12: Back Stage Action

Start from the beginning

"The h***? Keiichiro, what are you doing here?" Ryoji asked curiously.

"I should ask you the same thing," Keiichiro responded, "I'm here to pick up Ryohei. What are you guys doing here?"

"Wait, say what?" Yu asked in confusion, "I told her I was coming to pick her up."

"Well, you already have Rei, Akira, and Ryoji, so I'll give Ryohei a lift," Keiichiro answered. Yu scoffed.

"I called her first and asked her first and she said yes," Yu argued scowling at Keiichiro. Ryohei saw this and sighed heavily. When they saw Ryohei approaching them they turned to her.

"Ryohei, I thought I was picking you up," Yu and Keiichiro said at the same time. All of their eyes widened when they saw Ryohei. She was wearing a brown tank top and light khaki shorts with white converse. It was different from her usual boyish look and they felt themselves staring at her in awe. Her was pinned back by bobby pins and a hair clip. She let a few strands of hair fall along the sides of her face. They had to admit that she looked cute.

"Uh, you guys ok?" Ryohei asked worriedly as she waved her hand in front of their faces. They shook their heads to break themselves from their trances and looked away in embarrassment. Their cheeks were all bright red.

"Sorry," Yu apologized shyly, "You just look really... cute in that outfit..." Ryohei's eyes slightly widened at this before she smiled warmly at him.

"Thank you Yu," Ryohei thanked him as she smiled at him.

"Uh... don't mean to break this awkward moment, but can we get going already?" Ryoji asked with an impatient sigh.

"Yeah yeah, we're going," Keiichiro responded rolling his eyes, "But seriously, I thought that I was supposed to drive you Ryohei."

"Well, Yu did ask me first and I said ok. Then you called me and I was going to tell you that I didn't need a ride because I was getting a ride with Yu, but you didn't even let me get a word out before you hung up on me," Ryohei explained with a shrug, "Then when I was going to tell Yu that you were going to drive me instead he didn't really give me any time to tell him either." After listening to this both Keiichiro and Yu looked away and sighed.

"Sorry about that Ryohei," Yu apologized, "I guess I shouldn't have just hung up on you right away."

"It's your choice now. You can either go with me or Yu," Keiichiro added. They stood there waiting for my response. The others waited in Yu's car and watched in excitement. Rei kind of wished that it was just the two of them together in a car, but at least she would be in the same car as him if she chose to go with Yu and the others. "So, what will it be?"

"I...um... er...," Ryohei started, but trailed off.

"Ryohei, just choose already!" Ryoji ordered impatiently. Ryohei scoffed.

"Fine then. I'll skateboard to school," Ryohei responded scowling at Ryoji. Ryoji rolled his eyes as Ryohei grabbed her skateboard and placed it by her feet. She got on it and started skateboarding away.

"Wha-?! Ryohei!" Yu protested as he glared angrily at Ryoji. Keiichiro and Rei glared daggers at Ryoji as well.

"Ryoji, what the f***?" Keiichiro asked in irritation.

"What's the big deal? You'll see her at school," Ryoji replied shrugging, "Good riddance." Keiichiro grimaced as he got on his motorcycle and rode off. Yu grumbled as he started his car and drove off. By the time they got to school, Ryohei skateboarded into the parking lot of the school. Yu parked the car and quickly rushed over to her.

"Ryohei!" Yu called out to her. Ryohei looked up and smiled when she saw Yu coming towards her. She stopped her skateboard from moving forward and picked it up in her arm. "Sorry about Ryoji."

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