5: The Assignment

Start from the beginning

"That's sounds great. Thanks guys," Ryohei thanked them.

"No worries. Be there in 10," Yu remarked before hanging up. Ryohei let her phone drop from her ear and she smiled happily. She knew that even though this was part of their plan to break her heart she seemed to get happier and happier the more they tried to fake friend her. She certainly was a weird one, but she was nowhere anything like her sister. She would show them that she isn't like her sister and that was a promise. Feeling happy, Ryohei quickly got ready and rushed down the stairs. Rika was already in the kitchen slathering jam on her toast. Their mother had already left for an important meeting and their father was away on a business trip.

"Morning Rika," Ryohei greeted her sister with a cheerful smile. Rika groaned and scowled at her sister.

"I don't get how you can be so cheerful this early in the morning," Rika responded as she set her toast on the table and sat down.

"Rika, you've lived with me for how long and you still don't understand why I'm always so cheerful?" Ryohei asked with a teasing grin. Rika rolled her eyes as she took a bite out of her toast and went on her social media. Ryohei sighed as she got out two pieces of toast out for herself and placed them in the toaster. She waited patiently until the toast was cooked then she took them out and placed them on a plate. Suddenly there was a loud honking sound coming from outside.

"What in h***?" Rika asked as she got up and looked outside. Her eyes widened in shock when she saw the boys in their car outside of their house. "What the f*** are they doing here?"

"Oh, they're here already?" Ryohei asked as she looked at her watch, "Geez Louise, that was so not 10 minutes." Rika stared at her sister in confusion. "Ok, I got to go now." Ryohei quickly spread Nutella on one of her pieces of toast and peanut butter on the other piece before sticking them together and cutting them in half. She quickly wrapped them up in tin foil and placed it into her bag before hurriedly putting her shoes on.

"Wait, you knew they were coming here?" Rika asked in shock and disbelief. Ryohei nodded.

"Yeah, they offered to give me a ride to school," Ryoehi explained briefly as she waved goodbye to Rika and opened the door. Rika followed after her in panic.

"What and you trust them?" Rika asked in disbelief, "Have you already forgotten that they tried to humiliate you?" Upon hearing this Ryohei stopped walking and turned around to look at her sister.

"No, I haven't forgotten, but I'm also not one to hold a grudge. They apologized and want to be friends," Ryohei explained, "I want to be friends with them too."

"Ryohei, they're bullies. You can't trust them," Rika argued as she held onto Ryohei's wrist firmly. Ryohei grunted in pain as she wiggled her way out of Rika's grasp.

"Maybe so, but you're a bully too and I forgave you," Ryohei responded. Rika sighed.

"Just be careful with them," Rika replied as she glared at the boys. The boys glared right back at her.

"I'm not the same girl I was in elementary school. I'm strong now. I can take care of myself now," Ryohei reassured Rika with a subtle smile. Rika scowled.

"Ryohei, promise me you won't let them break your heart," Rika said as she places her hand on her little sister's shoulder.

"I promise," Ryohei promised with a smile as she waved to Rika and approached Yu's car. Rika watched as her little sister approached Yu's car. She narrowed her eyes at the boys warningly. "Hey guys."

"Hey Ryohei," Yu greeted her with a small smile as she got in the front seat next to Yu.

"What was that with you and Rika?" Ryoji asked curiously. Ryohei stiffened.

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