3: Let's Get Physical

Start from the beginning

"Boys, outside now!" The teacher yelled pointing to the door. The boys rolled their eyes as they grabbed their things and walked out of the classroom. "Stay there until I come outside!" The boys had hoped to make an escape, but after hearing this they groaned in annoyance as they sat down on the ground. As they waited they each pulled out their phones.

"Akira," a female voice whispered. The boys all looked up to see a girl with long, dark brown hair wearing a crop tops and mini skirt. They scowled at her.

"The h*** do you want?" Akira asked looking at her in disgust. The girl gave him a flirtatious wink and giggled.

"Can I talk to you for a minute?" The girl asked with a smirk. Akira glanced at the others to see them roll their eyes.

"Really dude?" Yu asked with a sigh, "Do you really have to f*** now?"

"Hey, it's better than sitting here bored out of my f***ing mind," Akira answered scoffing as he stood up and followed the girl around the corner. The others sighed and rolled their eyes.

"That f***ing playboy," Ryoji commented as he shool his head disapprovingly. The girl pulled Akira along with her to an empty hall and pulled him into a janitor's closet. She shut the door and locked it. She turned around and smirked at him.

"F*** me Akira," she instructed. Akira eyed her before giving a nod as he aggressively pulled her into him and kissed her forcefully. They had a full on make out session in the janitor's closet. Both started removing their clothing at lightening speed before making out again.

"Alright class, start the homework," the teacher instructed as he walked out into the hallway. The boys looked up at him when he came out from the classroom. The teacher looked around and frowned when he saw that Akira was nowhere in sight. "Where is Akira?" The boys didn't answer. "I will give you each detention slips if you don't tell me where he is." The boys stiffened at this, but still said nothing. They were in position to rat out their friend, so they remained quiet. The teacher sighed heavily as he peeked his head back inside the classroom. "Ms. Chikamoto."

"What?" Rika asked looking up in annoyance.

"Yes sir?" Ryohei asked also looking up with a questioning look.

"Ryohei, could you come here for a minute?" The teacher asked. Ryohei nodded as she stood up from her desk with her homework in her hand and walked towards the doorway of the classroom.

"Am I in trouble sir?" Ryohei asked worriedly.

"Of course not," the teacher responded with a light chuckle. Ryohei sighed in relief as she handed the teacher her completed homework that she had finished within 3 minutes.

"I completed the homework that was assigned," Ryohei explained with a small smile.

"Teacher's pet," Ryoji commented under his breath to the others. The others stifled laughs. The teacher heard this and glared at them.

"That's detention slips for all of you," the teacher said in a stern voice.

"What the f***?!" Keiichiro asked in shock.

"We didn't even do anything!" Yu protested.

"Sir, it's alright really. I am in a way a teacher's pet and I've acknowledged that. I don't mind being called that because that is who I am. I work faster than others sometimes," Ryohei remarked reassuringly with a shrug and bright smile. The boys looked at her in surprise and confusion.

"Ms. Chikamoto?" The teacher asked in surprise.

"Really, there is no need to give them detention slips. They did nothing wrong," Ryohei responded as she glanced at the boys with a small smile. The boys' eyes widened at this. "They simply spoke the truth and at school we are taught to always speak the truth. They did that." The teacher studied her long and hard before giving a sigh.

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