2: Humiliation Attempt

Start from the beginning

"You're stronger than we thought," Ryoji commented as he narrowed his eyes at Ryohei.

"So what?" Ryohei asked her voice more bitter than it was yesterday, "You just going to beat me up now to get back at my sister?" The boys stared at her in surprise that she had figured out their plan so easily. "I'm not scared of you guys and I know you're better than this. Beating people up isn't going to solve your problems, it's just going to make people hate you." Ryoji's jaw clenched and he nodded to Keiichiro. Keiichiro nodded back as he swung his fist into Ryohei's stomach again. Ryohei coughed in pain.

"You may be a girl Chikamoto, but that doesn't mean that we're going to take it easy on you," Ryoji remarked with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, we will treat you the way we treat all of our enemies," Keiichiro added as he kicked Ryohei's shin. Ryohei bit her lip to keep from crying out. She knew what they were trying to do. They were trying to get revenge for what Rika did to them in elementary school, but she knew better than to give them the satisfaction of seeing her cry out in pain. The boys stared at Ryohei in both confusion and annoyance. She wasn't breaking and it annoyed them. They wanted to see her cry in agony. They wanted to give Rika a message that bullying them was the worst mistake she ever made.

"What's going on over here?" A teacher asked as she came around the corner into the locker bay. The boys turned around and grimaced before turning their attention back to Ryohei.

"Nothing," Ryoji answered glaring at Ryohei, "Just talking to our friend here."

"Alright, well, get to class. The bell already rang," the teacher instructed. The boys nodded. The teacher then walked away.

"See you in class Chikamoto," Ryoji said with an evil grin as he and the others turned around and walked away leaving Ryohei leaning against her locker, clutching her stomach in pain. Ryohei watched them leave and tried her best to hold back tears. She knew that they had changed, but she didn't realize that they had changed this much. She was sad to know that Rika had pushed them to become bullies just like her. She didn't have the courage to go talk to them in elementary school, but she was going to make an effort now. She wasn't going to let them scoop to Rika's level of bullying. She would not give those boys the satisfaction that Rika always got whenever she bullied someone. She didn't care how much pain she was in, she was going to show them that no matter what they did to her she was not going to give in. Taking deep breaths, she grabbed her bag and slung it over her shoulder before heading off to class. She walked towards her class, taking deep breaths, and trying to regain her smiley personality. She tapped lightly on the door. The teacher opened it.

"I apologize for being late," Ryohei apologized as she bowed politely.

"That's alright Ms. Chikamoto, but I do hope that this won't become a daily thing," the teacher responded. Ryohei nodded.

"I promise it won't happen again," Ryohei reassured the teacher. The teacher nodded as he opened the door all the way to let her inside the classroom. When she entered her eyes met those of the boys who smirked at her and Rika who eyed her in confusion. She took a deep breath as she made her way over to her desk. Akira smirked and placed his foot out for Ryohei to trip over. The other boys smirked. Both Rika and Ryohei noticed. Rika glared at the boys. Ryohei glanced at Rika to see her pointing to Akira's foot. Ryohei nodded and gave a small smile. She had an idea. She was going to purposely trip over Akira's foot and laugh it off. Reluctantly, Ryohei followed through with her plan and purposely tripped over Akira's foot. She fell to the ground making the whole class burst into laughter. Rika looked at her as if she were a complete idiot, but she simply shrugged as she got back up and sat in her seat.

"Ms. Chikamoto, are you alright?" The teacher asked worriedly. The whole class looked at Ryohei and tried to contain their laughter. The boys gave smug looks. She ignored them and nodded.

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