Chapter 47

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This will be Kaori's and Yamato's tsukuyomi. Their eternal dream is connected ~

Lets make a promise now by the light of the blood Moon-
Shining down upon us, it will be our only witness
As we swear to one another-a bond that has grown strong and true.
A change in the atmosphere lingers now in the wind
The words I cannot say, yet long to say to you.

Silent admirers of the beauty of the world, we stare-
Knowing the words of our hearts-longing to share
But for the time now, we're just silent, counting the stars
Well aware of each other-
Your breath.
my hands
Your scent.

Lost in a world of our own creation-it is ours to escape
They might laugh now, but in the end it'll be their mistake.
You're the one that helped me find hope-build up my strength
When other's left, laughing, and I sat there crying
You wiped my tears away-
You helped me stand
When I wanted to run away.
A carved initials in a tree bordered by a gentle heart-
A reminder that here can always be a brand new start
Gently rock myself to sleep in your arms-
I'm found again, in a world unlocked by your charms.
And lifted, I am given wings to fly again
And the wind is beautiful tonight, my friend.

Soar with me upon velvet breezes of the night-
Dance with me upon clouds of dreams and twilight.
Wouldn't want to share the world with anyone but you, right now
Wouldn't want to dance away with anyone but you-
Broken dreams-now healing under your touch
Dance with me.

Upon the grassy hills of dreams and wonder-
Count the stars until we slumber.
Lost in the travels in each other's arms-I find
Life is a gift-not a waste of time-
So lets not waste it, sad and grim
But instead, lets travel the universe over and over again.

Who knows what out there we just might see-
Sworn by the moon's red light for all eternity...
Lost to this eternal dream -
I dream.
Of you. Of me


​​​​​​They were under the bright stars in a cold night, only a fire giving them some warmth. Seated on the grass they were finaly together again. The gentle light of the fire made him more mysterious yet a warm and gentle aura surrounded him . Kaori always thought the word 'warm' to describe the emotions he was giving her. When she was near him, it was like she was in the embrace of a warm and calm sea that she could get lost into... She looked into his eyes wanting to get more of this incredible feeling. Her eyes met his deep dark black orb's that she so loved and held her gaze into his, longinly . Yamato looked back at her not saying a word. They were just gazing into each others eyes with a secret connection, no words needed. The chilling breeze blew by making Kaori shiver at its coldness. She embraced herself in a small try to keep herself warm.
"you are cold. " He more stated than asked, in a deep voice. Before she had a chance to answer, his storng arms were around her smaller form, pulling her close to his heat. He positioned her firmly at the crook of his neck, making her sigh in delight feeling his warmth enveloping her completely. His warmth relaxed her, making her feel safe. Kaori buried her head deeper at his neck, a soft sound leaving his lips as she did so.

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