Chapter 39

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Snuggling up under the sheets, Kaori started falling asleep. It was Saturday evening and Yamato was on a mission with team 7 . She didn't really feel like moving much from where she laid.

Though, before Kaori could fall asleep, there was a knocking at the door. 'W-who the heck could that be? I swear if it's Otoha again... ' Holding the blanket over her shoulders, she went to the door and opened it to her lover, Yamato.

Something was off though. He was still smiling brightly as he usually did, warming her heart, but the glint in his eyes was not the usual sparkle that went along with it. It was more of a painful and longing look.

He was gripping on the upper part of his hip and Kaori quickly realized why. There was crimson blood staining his cloths and a tear in his uniform where he was gripping onto. "Y-Yamato, what happened?"

He smiled looking down . Kaori would usually object, but she needed better lighting to get a good look at the wound. " I got wounded at the mission "

Removing his hand , Kaori saw a shallow gash on the side of his body. Directing him to the couch, she took the blanket she had for her earlier and put it under the wound as she laid him down. "J-just relax for a minute, okay?"

He nodded as Kaori dashed off to the bathroom, grabbing towels and a first aid kit. When she went back into the living room, Yamato was standing up and looking at her . Immediately, she forced him to sit down. "But Kaori ." He went to protest but Kaori shut him with a look.

Gathering everything back up, she helped remove his wet jacket and then went to dress his wounds. Kaori placed a towel on his head to dry his wet from sweat brown hair.

Trying to clean a wound and dress it became rather difficult with his undershirt in the way. She lifted it up a bit with red spreading across her face and cleaned the wound. 'At least the bleeding stopped.' Grabbing the bandages, Kaori wrapped around his waist. "Just try not to move around to much with these on, okay?"

Yamato's hand fell upon your Kaori's head lightly. "I won't. If my love doesn't want me too, then I won't." He managed to get his ninja sandals off before laying down on his good side and looking towards Kaori expectantly. He opened his arms, expecting her to run into them. "Hug?"

Sighing, she sat beside him, stroking the brown hairs from his face as confusion held its place in his eyes. "Yamato ...are you sure you don't want to put on clean cloths or dry off?"

He shook his head, still waiting for her to go into his arms. But she still interrogated him. "Why did you come here? Why didn't you go to the hospital first Yamato ? I may be a nurse, but it could have been worse "

He shrugged, lowing his arms a bit in defeat. "It didn't seem that bad. And I wanted to see you again. I missed you ." Once more, he lifted his arms. "Hug?"

Giving into his command, Kaori laid beside him as he took her in his embrace. Yet something deep inside her told her that he was off. His hugs didn't usually feel so...distant and cold. "The two targets we were chasing.. It was a man and a woman. They were together. After Kakashi-senpai and Naruto managed to kill the man, the woman went crazy and after she cursed us she went to attack. I managed to make her stop moving with my wood style. I went to kill her as Kakashi-senpai said to me but when she looked at me.. I hesitated and she stabbed me freeing herself. Sai managed to kill her later. But the look of this woman. It was so painful. Like we took everything away from her. Which for some reason remembered me, myself when I was at Orochimaru's lab. Everyone around me died while I was watching.. At the end I was alone. Everyone dear to me was gone.. "

A bit of shock filled Kaori's veins. He didn't used to talk about his past or show any weakness at the missions. She understood that he was afraid of being alone again "I won't leave you Yamato ."

All you need is love (Love Triangle)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum