Chapter 33

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Asuma was dead...
Kurenai was pregnant..
A lot had happened..

Kaori and Yamato had gotten back from Asuma's funeral before some hours, but it felt like it was minutes before.They had attended there right after Kaori finished her shift at the hospital. Everyone was sad, Asuma's loss was hurtful to everyone. After the funeral Kaori had comforted Kurenai, as Yamato talked with Kakashi. The poor woman confessed to Kaori that she was pregnant leaving her in shock and sadness.
'That could have happened to me... '
She had thought sadly looking at Yamato.

As they headed home Kaori decided to ask him something.

"If we ever did...have a child," she murmured, turning her gaze to her lover, "would you be happy?"

Yamato had gazed at her. A slow smile had spread over his face at her obvious worry. He had chuckled and leaned in to brush his lips over hers. One word gave her solace. "Yes."

" But what if... What happened to Asuma and Kurenai, happened to us? " Kaori was scared. The shinobi life was tough, full of loss and pain. In minutes a thousands of lives could be lost. Kaori had trust to Yamato, that he would be as more careful as he could, but she couldn't help but feel worried. Yamato smiled at her concern.

"I would never leave you. Even if I am not next to you, not able to touch you, I will always be here.. " He said quietly resting his hand on where her heart was.

He would be a good father, she mused, lips curving up to smile at him. He was a sincere and loving man and would treat his child well. She let out a pent up sigh and wrapped her arms around his waist. The minutes ticked slowly by.


Now they were at their apartment (they have decided that it would be more comfortable if they lived together )

Kaori couldn't find Yamato anywhere in the house, so see kept checking every room.

'I haven't checked the bathroom.. '
She thought as she headed to it.

The bathroom door creaked open, and steam showered over Kaori as she peered inside. Immediately, the dim lighting of scattered candles and the scent of vanilla mingled with her senses, and she slipped inside feeling relaxed and comfortable.

"Yamato?" she felt herself wonder, but it came out as more of a purr than anything. His name felt right on her tongue, and it made his presence in the small room even more distinguished as he turned to her.

She was blown away as soon as his eyes connected with hers. Her breath halted and then came out faster as she gulped in thick lungfuls of air. She had not expected this much from him -- the candles and the bath were miracles themselves, but seeing him naked and waiting for was more than she had hoped for.

He was already in the tub, surrounded by bubbles. It didn't take any of his masculinity away, though. In fact, if anything, the bubbles and the vanilla scent and the dim lighting made him all the more desirable. Kaori leaned against the threshold. Her knees felt wobbly and she had to lean against something, otherwise she'd sink to the floor and would never make it to the edge of that glorious tub.

He didn't say anything. His eyes, usually so light even if they were dark in color , were the epitome of darkness now. It was a twisted darkness that was both passionate and sinful, and made her spine shake with incessant shivers. The water rippled gently as his arm came up to rest on the side of the bathtub, but still the silence lingered, softly and yet suffocating in its thick hold.

Somehow, in some way, she managed to walk without stumbling. Situated on the edge of the bath, Kaori felt even more hazardous. This was different from the other times. This time it was heavy, and anxious, and there was that deliciously wicked promise in Yamato's eyes that made Kaori forget who she even was. It was powerful and eye-opening and God, she just wanted to touch him, only wanted to touch him and never do anything else for as long as she lived --

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