Chapter 10

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Green, everything was green, a mono-tonal lime green that extended as far as her eye could see. The green miasma surrounded her and gradually closed in on her. When it touched her skin it felt cool and sticky, just like the cafeteria's Jell-o. She pushed against it, but her arms disappeared into its semi-solid mass. Soon her whole body was enveloped in the green blob and all that was exposed was just her head. She tried to scream for help, but it oozed into her orifices and she could no longer breathe...

Kaori woke from her dream, of being enveloped and suffocated by green Jell-o, screaming into her pillow. The man was everywhere - even in her dreams she could not escape him.

It was still dark. She tried futilely to go back to sleep, but her thoughts still dwelled on last night's events.

When Kaori finally left her parents' place to return home, Gai of course insisted on escorting her. She did her best to bring up the topic of how she wasn't interested in him, but Gai purposely avoided actually talking about their non-existent relationship. Instead he rambled on about the history of the medic-nin, how they served a vital function, and how wonderful everything would be when Tsunade returned. Kaori was terrified that he would expect a good-night kiss, but luckily Gai just dropped her off, saying he'd see her tomorrow. Before Kaori could protest, he was gone again.

Dawn came with a banging at her door. Kaori was just about to fall asleep again, but she gave up and got up instead. 'Who could it be at this hour?'she thought in irritation. 'I hope it's not an emergency at the hospital. Oh no, I hope something didn't happen to Kakashi!'

She quickly grabbed her robe and wrapped it tightly around her body. But who should she find standing in her doorway, but the man responsible for her nightmares, with a gift wrapped box in his arms.

"Good morning! I have a special surprise present for you," he announced, oblivious of her bleary eyes and unkempt hair.

"Thanks, but isn't this kind of early for visits? And I can't possibly accept any more gifts from you. It's not appropriate," Kaori protested, trying hard to keep her temper.

"The early bird gets the worm, you know, and this will help you defeat all other birds!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Open it, you'll see," he shiny-smiled at her.

What woman could resist opening a gift box? Kaori just had to open it despite her misgivings and the alarm going off in her head.

She dropped the box as soon as she saw what was in it. What was in it was green. The same green as Gai's jumpsuit.

Nonplussed, Gai picked up the box and took out a miniature green jumpsuit for a petite size 2-4.

'No way! No way! No way!' Kaori screamed in her head. But all she could do was stare at it, dumbfounded.

"I noticed yesterday that you don't eat enough. I've decided to help you get healthier and fitter. First you need to get up early and do morning exercises."

"I already do!" protested Kaori futilely.

"Not my regiment. You see, the reason why you failed to become a shinobi is because of the poor training you received at the hands of some mediocre Academy teacher. I can improve your stamina in 30 days. Look what I did for Lee."

"But I..."

"Wearing this jumpsuit is the first step. Then my exercise regiment, followed by a large nutritionally balanced breakfast, the most important meal of the day..."

"No! I like being just a nurse. I don't want to be a shinobi."

"But think of what you can do as a shinobi medic!"

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