Chapter 25

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Was it better to love or be loved? One feeling was full of excitement and pain, the other of security and comfort. She had had enough of the first, she wanted to seek the second . She wanted to be comforted and loved. She really did. And Yamato made her feel that way. But something made her hesitate to give in his emotions. Or someone..

What to do, what to do? Accept Yamato in her life or continue to pine after Kakashi? It was something she could not resolve independently. After agonizing over her decision, Kaori reluctantly decided to seek advice from external sources.

First she consulted her sister. Sumire always had a good head on her shoulders. She was reasonable and calm, not biased, and not crazy like their mother. After work, Kaori walked over to her house, planning to speak to her without the presence of their mother's prying ears.

Sumire and her family lived near the center of town in a three bedroom apartment on top of the beauty salon run by their mother. It wasn't because they couldn't afford a house, but because they wanted to be near the stores, schools and work. With three kids it was just too difficult to get around.

It was just before dinner, when Kaori knew their mother had closed up shop and returned to her own abode. Sumire was surprised to see her sister at her front door since Kaori rarely visited Sumire directly. They were both so busy and it was easier for Kaori to see everyone at once during their biweekly dinners. Sumire immediately deduced something was wrong. Kaori looked tired, defeated, as if a life changing, crushing dilemma was bearing down on her thin shoulders. It had to be men problems for Kaori to be unable to handle the situation.

Sumire knew that at work, her older sister was decisive and confident. With men, she wavered and faltered. Kaori could never decide whether she liked someone enough, whether they were good enough, for a long term relationship. Even worse was her indecision and inability to end a relationship even when it was obvious she was no longer interested. It would take some great faux pas on the man's part in order for Kaori to lose her temper and drop them like a hot kunai.

With the baby tucked in one arm, Sumire held the door open to allow Kaori to enter and waited patiently for her sister to explain herself.

"So, er, how's the kids," Kaori asked, thinking about how to broach thesubject of her troubled love life.

"They're fine. We're all fine. So what brings you here on a work day?" Sumire had no time to beat around the bush. The baby was fussing again. He squirmed in her arms and whined plaintively to be fed. The other kids could be heard arguing from the back bedroom, fighting over their hokage action figures.

"I, umm, haven't been exactly truthful lately about my relationships," Kaori started to say.

Sumire just nodded, not surprised. Her sister was honest in most things, but when it came to confronting their mother about her single status, the pressure was bound to get to her. She walked into the kitchen while Kaori followed.

"It all started when Hatake Kakashi was brought in unconscious," Kaori sighed at the memory of Gai with Kakashi slumped over his shoulders. "I sort of fell in love with him while I cared for him," she reluctantly admitted, then blushed when she recalled how she read Icha Icha books to her coma patient. "When you almost met him at the family dinner, he was supposed to return me a favor.. " Kaori continued. Sumire listen carefully " That day.. When I left running from the dinner.. I bumped into a man.. I was crying and he comforted me like none else did ..His name is Yamato. We continued seeing each other after then. " Kaori smiled softly at his comfort and show of care to her "Then I saw Kakashi with another woman and he said, that I was nothing to him. I was feeling worthless then, but Yamato came and helped me again. Kakashi came and apologize but then it was too late, but I think I'm still in love with him, but Yamato just love confessed to me and now I don't know what to do!" It all came tumbling out, almost incoherently, but Sumire was smart enough to figure it out despite Kaori's manic speech.

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