Chapter 21

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The next morning, for some reason Kakashi went to say at Kaori an apology for missing her family dinner without saying anything , and maybe another apology for being a jerk , so he headed over to the hospital. He found Kaori sitting at the front desk looking as perfectly coifed as usual, though her eyes seemed rather red and very tired.

"I'm sorry..." he was about to say when Kaori cut him off.

"There's no need to apologize. I took care of you while you were here because it was my job. I might have gotten too personally involved, but that was my mistake. You are no longer under any obligation to me," she said coldly. She thought he was there to apologize for going out with Otoha without her know .

Her icy tone and the anger in her eyes didn't surprised Kakashi. She must had been really hurt about this . He tried again to apologize, "I'm sorry about yesterday, I..."

"I'm fine with it. Like I said, you're under no obligation. I'm not going to bother you again and Gai sensei won't be either, so you can go back to your life as it was. Please leave now - I'm very busy." Kaori then turned her back on him and began to shuffle papers around.

"Right then, well, I'll see you around," he said to her back. He hesitated a bit before finally leaving. As he walked away he could hear her sniffle and blow her nose. 'She either has a cold, allergies, or is crying,' he thought in his detached analytical way. He had ditched Otoha, just after their date yesterday because he discovered how poor her character was and that she was already in a relationship. Of course she said that she would break up with her boyfriend, Kanpou was his name? But Kakashi understood what kind of woman she was, and lost all interest in her. Not that she had any in the first place. They hadn't even done anything, as Otoha lied yesterday.

Now it was time to head over to the administration building for another assignment. In some ways keeping himself occupied with dangerous missions was better than sitting around reading fantasy books, which would never come true for him, or sitting around thinking of the life he missed out on when he chose, or rather inherited, the life of a shinobi. As the son of the great White Fang, who taught him shinobi tactics from the time he could crawl, he had no choice. Maybe it would have been better if he had not been born a genius. But then he'd probably be dead. But if he were really, really lucky, he'd have his own family by now.

It was unlike Kakashi to have these thoughts of having his own family. It was just that hearing the pretty nurse's invocation for a dinner with her family made him feel that profound ache and need to belong to someone. But family life was just not for him, so he pushed those thoughts out of his mind. It was a waste of time to dwell on such fantasies when he could easily be dead the next mission. His life was as it was and there was little he could do to change it.

So he was back to his so-called life. Mission after mission. It was nearly non-stop these days. Not even the luxury of easy missions with his team. His genin were deemed advanced enough to be on their own now, without a chuunin or jounin leader. They had been away for days on a mission involving a shrine race. 'That would have been a fun mission,' he thought enviously.

But it wasn't. Not because a certain nurse distracted his mind . He started feeling a little guilty for saying to her that she was a nothing to him. He felt like it wasn't true but didn't admit it to himself. And in any way even if he admitted it, that wouldn't do anything. Kaori seemed to taken a liking to his old Anbu comrade Tenzo (or Yamato with his code name) That for some reason slightly bothered him .

Maybe it was because Tenzo seemed to be more serious and steady with relationships while he was unreliable. Tenzo maybe was an Anbu and he had to take more serious missions than him, but Kakashi though he could easily hold a relationship if he wanted. Plus if things got more serious he could leave the Anbu and continue as a regular shinobi. Tenzo was obviously the type to settle down and have a family.

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