Chapter 18

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Kakashi reluctantly agreed to Kaori's terms - one date. To get rid of Gai, that seemed to be worth the effort.

Kaori then informed him that they would have dinner together tomorrow .

But first things first. Kaori had promised Kakashi that she would get rid of Gai. She really wasn't sure how to get rid of him, but she decided the direct approach was best. It was something she should have done a long time ago, if it weren't for her cowardice.

In her past relationships, when she was no longer interested in the guy, she would become silent and pensive until he asked her what was wrong. That easily opened a door for her to say "this relationship isn't working out" or"it's not what I expected" or some other excuse. But she didn't actually have a relationship with Gai and it seemed he was oblivious to her moods. The direct approach of telling him she was in love with Kakashi did not exactly work either. Gai apparently thought he still had a chance. This time she would have to take a direct, but different approach.

Though it was already late, Kaori took a chance and went out to look for him. Lee was no longer staying at the hospital, but it usually wasn't too difficult to track down either one of them. They were most likely in one of the outdoor or indoor training areas. She found Gai surprisingly by himself in the training area with the wooden dummies. It was not difficult to differentiate which was the live dummy since the wooden ones were brown, not green.

When Gai saw Kaori approach, to her surprise, instead of running up to her, he threw his arms over his face and declared, "I am not worthy to face you! I have yet to handily defeat my eternal rival."

"Er...yes...about that...can you please stop challenging Kakashi-sensei."

"Why? Are you two no longer an item?"

The dangerous spark of hope in Gai's eyes forced Kaori to say, "We are but..."

The light dimmed.

"I never meant to lead you on. You should find someone more appreciative of your..."

"Never! There's no one else but you. You are the woman of my destiny. Kakashi is just a bump in the road of true love. You have just been temporarily blinded. True love must be tested!"

'Sigh, this is not working. Okay, attempt number two.' She tried again. "I'm sorry, but I'm just not attracted to you..."

"What do you mean?" The sudden pathetic look in his eyes stopped Kaori from saying more.

"I'm sorry, it's not you it's me..." She now tried the usual break up approach, which she had originally planned to use before she accidentally blurted out her feelings for Kakashi, but after Gai's meltdown, there was nothing else she could say at the time.

'Of course it's not me. I'm perfect. There's definitely something wrong with her!' Gai waited for Kaori to explain herself.

Kaori glanced at him desperately. Why , why everybody must be against her? Why nobody could understand, or care?! Why Gai didn't understand??

A sharp pain went through her whole body.

' Why nobody cares about my feelings??? Why nobody sees me, why I am invisible?! Why ....why? '

She didn't realized her vision getting blur from her hot tears. She didn't realized that she was shaking. That she was trembling like a small weak child that wanted protection.. Love..

"Eh?! Why are you crying? " Gai asked unsurely. He was shocked by there reaction.

Kaori continued crying as she covered her face. Why must she be treated like this? She tries her best to act fine, but she can't hold it in anymore... The pain is unbearable..

'All my life...

I was invincible....

A nothing...

No matter how hard I try..

Nobody understands...

Nobody cares!!! '

Then she screamed. A loud, desperate scream. A scream that yelled 'NOTICE ME!!! " A scream of anger to people's blindness .

Gai stood infrond of her, eyes wide too shocked to say anything.

Kaori looked at him, with a look of anger , despair and loneliness in her red teary eyes . Guy would never forget that look in his whole life...

"WHY?? WHY CANT YOU UNDERSTAND THAT I DON'T LOVE YOU!! WHY PEOPLE CANT NOTICE ME!! WHY I AM INVISIBLE?? " she screamed, like she was blaming him. Like she was blaming the whole world .

Gai tried to speak but he shut his mouth at her next words.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!! I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!! " She cried out as she stormed out of the building, like the demons were chasing her.

And for her indeed they were...


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