Chapter 23

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Yamato stood in Kaori's doorstep with a bunch of red tulips that he picked up just for her.

'I hope she likes them... '

He rang the doorbell. As nervous as he was, he was also excited. He wanted to see Kaori . To see her face right now. To see her clothes. To see her hair, poufy and beautiful and dark, reddish brown .To see her astonishing smile. He really needed to see her smile.
And his wish was granted, as Kaori opened the door and her smile was there.
He looked at her, standing infrond of him with a nervous smile .
Several things happened to Yamato in that moment - his mouth went dry, his eyes widened, his heart skipped a few beats, and he completely forgot how to use his legs.

Her hair was down, falling in straight waves around her neck and shoulders, and framing her face. The dark shade of her hair only brought out the natural rosiness in her cheeks and the brilliant hazel of her eyes. The lower cut kimono exposed the curve of her collarbones, the delicate creamy white skin looking exceptionally touchable, and the beautiful red fabric hugged her body perfectly, highlighting every delicious, feminine curve. She didn't wore any makeup or any jewelry and Yamato thought she was more stunning in that way.

"Well?" Kaori asked, biting her lip and staring expectantly at him. Yamato opened his mouth to reply, but only ended up closing it again and shaking his head. "I-Is it that bad?" she asked, her little smile instantly falling, and had his mind not been currently trying to catch up to his heart, he would have noticed her stutter, but it slipped right by him.

"N-No!" Yamato instantly answered, calming himself when he saw the surprise on her face.... "No, it's very...very beautiful," he cleared his throat and smiled at her, and the look of relief that flooded her face was enough to send his heart fluttering again.

"You think?" Kaori asked and, when he nodded, she squealed in delight and launched herself at him, long arms wrapping around his neck. Instinctively, he caught her about the waist and, given their height difference, lifted her right off her feet. He blushed bright crimson when he felt her breath on his neck and her lips curve into a smile. "I feel beautiful."

"You should," he answered automatically, and this time, he caught the faint pink that touched her cheeks. Kaori released him and, with a little smile.

Yamato gave her the flowers. He gauged Kaori's reaction to the tulips bouquet. Surprise, shock, and blush played across her face. Her hands clasped together , eyes widened. That was a good sign, right?
"Are those for me?" Kaori breathed out, eyes scanning every last detail of every last petal.
For a moment, Yamato forgot words. He blamed her smile.
"Yes." He pushed the bouquet into her arms without warning, embarrassed. "Be careful with them," he mumbled out, as Kaori hold them gently in her arms . "Do you like them?" He asked, sheepish tones creeping into his voice.
Kaori smiled softly.
"Yes, there are beautiful thank you. "


The night was still young; it only had been minutes since the opening of the annual spring festival. It didn't take too long for the usually silent night to evolve into a festive night. Children laughter, people chatter, sizzling food being cooked, spice's aroma wafted through the air and merry lights that reached every festival ground's nook and cranny-all things that kept hushed dark in bay. Clad in yukata or casual attire, these people were enjoying themselves in this once a year moment.
Happy, couples were walking hand in hand showing their love with kisses or meant full glances, making Kaori and Yamato feel a little uncomfortable.

Kaori though that Yamato was being forced to stick with her, because she asked him to come with her, so she slowed down her steps to properly apologize to him. It was the least she could do. He didn't have to be with her when he should be enjoying the festival with his friends, or.. another girl. She knew she promised to herself she would spend her time with him to see how she really felt for him , but now, seeing him being literally obligated to be with her, made her change her mind and let him go.

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