Chapter 32

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Sighing, Kaori closed the book she was reading and set it down on the table. She desperately wanted to keep reading, but seeing as it was 02:04 and she had work in the morning, Kaori decided doing so would probably not be the best idea.

She was just about to go to the bathroom to get her pajamas on when she heard a knock on the door. "Who is knocking my door at 2 in the night!?" Kaori thought, walking back down the stairs and walking towards the door.

"Kakashi? Asuma-san ?" She'd asked once you'd opened the door.

"Yo." Kakashi said.

"Hey Kaori-san." Asuma said, shifting a heap of something-or rather, someone- in his arms. Gai and Genma were behind him, Gai obviously drunk and Genma obviously trying to keep him still.

"What are you doing here? And what is that?" Kaori questioned, pointing to the heap.

"Oh, this? This, well....this is Yamato ."

"What?!?!" Kaori exclaimed, realizing that it was the man she cared about . Asuma was holding him from under his arms, and Yamato , with his head down, was snoring softly. "What happened to him?!?"

Kakashi laughed nervously. "Well, you see, Gai , Asuma , Tenzo ( Kakashi kept calling him like that, even if Yamato told him to stop..) , Genma and I all decided to go to a bar, and I thought it would be funny to see Tenzo drunk, so I spiked his drink a little bit and, well, this happened."

"Oh jeez." Kaori said, rubbing her forehead. "Kakashi , I will scold you later, when I'm not so tired, but for now, I'm just gonna cut the chase- what are you doing here?"

"Well, after Tenzo got drunk, we discovered that he was a little... Out of control... So.. We had to knock him down.. (he laughed nervously at Kaori's death glare) .. so since I was the one who spiked his drink, Asuma said that I had to take care of him, so I was taking him to his house when he woke up and said he wanted to come here."

"So?!?! Kakashi you baka , he was drunk! You should have just brought him home!"

"Bring him hooooome." Gai sang in the backround. They all ignored him.

"He insisted that he come here." Asuma said. "Otherwise, we would have."

Kaori sighed. "Well, I'm not taking care of him, I have work in the morning."

"Pllleeease?" Asuma begged.

"Absolutely not."

"Hey , what's that?" Kakashi asked, pointing behind her.

Kaori turned her head for a quick glance, and, seeing nothing, she turned back to see the four men running away, Yamato now lying on her front porch.

"Hey! Wait, come back!!!!!!!!" Kaori yelled at them, Kakashi , Genma and Asuma running away, Gai stumbling behind them.

"Sorry!" Kakashi yelled.

Kaori sighed and looked down at Yamato who was lying face down on the ground.

"Poor guy..." She said, kneeling down and ruffling his hair. Suddenly, his eyes opened and he lifted his head.

"Helooo ~, Kaori ." He said, smiling. "What are you doing here?"

"I live here." Kaori said with a poker face .

"Oh...I like it.." He said.

"How do you feel?"

"Like a biiiiig riceball."

Kaori tried her hardest not to laugh at that comment.

"You have pretty hair you know that ?" He chuckled playing with a lock of her reddish brown hair in his hand. He smiled and twirled it through his fingers. Her cheeks burned hotly like a tomato.

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