Chapter 46

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? POV:

I'm sinking. Nightmares drive me down. Reality is pushing me jealously.
I'm searching with an unexpressive face and soul, a light, The Light. Despared, I'm wandering into a dark path with rose bushes on the right and left. The place, disturbing.
But then..I saw it! My light, the shine, the one which kept me alive, in this cold soulless world.
It's although small and weak. It flickers more and more each passing moment as if it's making fun of me.
It gave me fake hopes, and now as I am looking at it clearly, it leaves me, fades away..
I'm trying to reach it, but invisible shadows hold me back. I stretched my hand to grab the bush of roses, but by the first attempt four thorns pierced my fingers.
Courage is needed.. With tears on my eyes and blood on my hands, I let myself go. I'm loosing myself in it.
Black butterflies are flying in my stomach, something inside me wants to scream, but the voice can't get out.
As I was getting lost in the dark, deeper and deeper with only the light in my mind, I believed this was my end. That must be the feeling of dying.
And there all of a sudden a story came to my mind, a forgotten one.
While seeing my wounds heal, I remembered myself in another lifetime. Me, but a different side of it was another person. In which story I also lost and searched for my precious light. The light that I loved and needed so much, were I also died at a night drowned in fear, surrounded by this terrifying black darkness.

"Kaori... Where are you? ''

.*.*.*.*.*.*.End of ? Pov ( I think we all know who's Pov was )*.*..*.*.*.*.*.*

Kaori was lying on her bed late at night, in her room without lights..
Her eyes looking somewhere in the black dark, not focusing anywhere...
The clock is ticking, every second that passes by. It is so peaceful. Everything can be heard.
Now she is hearing the voice inside of her head so intense, clear as crystal..

A smile appeared. Her eyes are still looking on the black walls, where the trip begins, she was thinking, connecting situations, becoming abstracted.. hundreds of foolish thoughts crosses her mind, and other hundreds of important thoughts do the same, it's like a chain.. Kaori remembers people, hear their voices, she sees smiles, memories.
Kaori starts thinking of details she didn't believe she could still remember. Not anymore at home, she is on her old 's schoolyard, at the park of her old neighbourhood , in the countryside, on holidays, surrounded by people. Colors everywhere, smells, lights, laughter, guitars, music.. Kaori remembers on old friendships, old lovers, old disagreements, people she once loved and lost.. First day at school, the first time she stayed up until late partying, the first time she lied to her parents to do something crazy.. the day she met Yamato .. things which held her excited, things that held her alive..

She sighed looking at the sealing.

It was so easy to find a hundred things to let you down. But you should find something to keep you up in order to continue living in this world .

Suddenly A bright light appeared making the night day.

Kaori shoot up from her bed alarmed.

'What the hell ?! '

She went to her window and looked in the sky. The moon shone so bright, like the sun, making the night day.

'I have a bad feeling about this '

Kaori tried to think something of what to do, but the only thing that came into her mind was the old box in the drawer, whitch the fortune teller lady gave to her years ago.

'Open it only when you need it.. ' Kaori remember her saying.

She quickly went to it and opened it up.

Inside was a necklace and a note in old paper. The necklace was simple with only one stone decorating it.

The stone was beautiful, dark but more light in the inside. Kaori wore it carefully taking meanwhile the note.

'Lead him and you out of the fake paradise. Don't be fooled. Its better to live in a world with pain than in a world of fake happiness. '

"Wha- "

Everything became black.

A.N: Okk so this is the Infinity Tsukiyomi part 1!! Part 2 in the next chapter! 💗 Sorry for the late updates .

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