Chapter 30

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"Kaori! " Yamato called as he knocked on the door and Kaori rushed to meet him, yanking open the door to reveal his handsome face. She beamed at him.

"Yamato !" she took his hand and pulled him inside, quickly closing the door behind him. "I'm almost ready!" Kaori promised before running back to her room for her bag and jacket. She could hear him laughing as she turned the corner and it brought a smile to her lips. Kaori returned a few minutes later, and left with Yamato , starting walking as he took her somewhere unknown. "Yamato ," Kaori began curious . "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise," he said with a small smile . "Just be patient."

But Kaori couldn't help it and after a little, continued "Yamato " she started , "You know it's the middle of the night, right? And that you got back from your mission before a few hours? "

"I know," Yamato laughed, but he just kept going, eventually walking from the main path and onto one that led to the forest, with Kaori following . Kaori wondered what in the world they were at the forest at five in the morning, but she didn't questioned him. "Come on," he said, giving her his arm and she kept close to him as they walked, careful were she was going.

Yesterday, Yamato had sent Kaori a message that said he would show her something something important. She felt curious and confused at why it had to be at 5 in the morning, but didn't questioned it. Today the two of them had a day off and they had agree to spend the day together.

Finally, he found a hight spot at the forest and rolled out a blanket . Kaori laughed and he smiled, pulling her in close against him to the blanket. Kaori snuggled into his side, yawning, and stared out over the ocean.

"Fireworks?" she asked suddenly and he tipped his head. "Are we here to watch fireworks?"


"Clouds ?"


"Hmm, ah! Shooting stars!"

"No, just wait," he laughed when Kaori pouted like a child and buried her face in his shoulder, which brought a blush to his cheeks. Kaori wrapped her arms around his middle and put her chin on his shoulder, staring at him. "You're staring, Kaori ."

"You're so cute when you blush, I can't help myself," She answered. "Do you come to the forest often? I don't really usually have time with my job, but when I have the chance I like coming for a walk "

"Really?" he asked and she nodded. "I like coming here when I have time.. It's really peaceful. " he grew quiet and Kaori sat back, watching him curiously. Yamato turned his head to look at the sky thoughtful.

"Is there something wrong?" Kaori asked quietly, at his mood change.

Yamato shook his head, and then he turned to look out over some trees . He looked so...sad.

"You don't have to talk about it," Kaori assured him, putting her hand on his arm, and she scolded herself for absently liking the feel of the warm skin beneath her palms. "If you don't want. I understand if it's hard."

"It's not easy," Yamato agreed. "But I can tell you. I want to tell you, Kaori ," he said and she nodded, encouraging him.

He looked at her with a serious look forming to his gentle features.
"You can't tell anyone about this, okay? " Kaori nodded a little afraid of what he might say. He sighed and start talking

"I was an experiment for Orochimaru who strove to know and possess every jutsu there is, especially forbidden ones. In his attempt to gain that knowledge, he often kidnapped children from villages and used them as test subjects, and I was one of those children, though I don't remember where I came from or how old I was. I was a success, however. He had been implanting those children with the cells of the forefather of Konoha in order to create an impressionable child who could be taught and used as a weapon with the chakra affinity for wood. Before he'd succeeded, however, he'd been forced to abandon his experiments and I was almost left for dead until Danzo-sama found me. I am a prior NERVE shinobi, but after a failed mission, I resigned my position with the help of Sandaime Hokage-sama and Kakashi-senpai and I came to work in the ANBU instead,"

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