Chapter 34

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Yamato...? " Kaori's questioning hazel eyes met Yamato's dark serious ones.

" Kaori, I will be off at a very important mission with Sai and Anko-san. "

Kaori's heart arched painfully in her chest. These days she had a bad feeling, a invisible fear that grew stronger as the hours past by. She had tried to ignore it, saying it was her imagination but after Yamato said that he will be off at that mission, that terrible feeling in her gut returned. She looked down, trying not to show her concern but Yamato knew her too well to be fooled. He cupped her cheeks tenderly and looked straight in her eyes with concern written in his own.

"Kaori, what's wrong? "

Instead of answering ,

She grabbed him by the neck and launched herself at him, their noses bumping before their lips touched. But when the kiss started it was like dynamite exploding. He pulled her close to him, holding her around her waist and then entwining his fingers with her hair. His body was hot against hers, his chest still heaving from the run. Kaori felt his heart beating beneath his clothes. It excited her. That feeling of freedom multiplied by a billion until she felt so alive she could burst...

They pulled away out of breath their foreheads touching. Their eyes locked again, lovingly, passionately..

Kaori's voice sounded like a beg

"Please...Come back to me.. "

Chaos everywhere...

'Pein...He destroyed Konoha... He destroyed our homes.. Blood.. Dead people everywhere.. People running.. Their faces masks of pain and fear, horror... '

Kaori ran down the destroyed Konoha , her breath came out quick and ragged puffs in the air, her lungs burned as she forced her legs to continue to move. She stumbled and rolled down a steep hill, and received various scrapes against the sharp rocks and branches before she slammed shoulder-first into a tree. Kaori gritted her teeth and only allowed herself to release a groan and pained whimper as she was sure something is either broken or misplaced, but she ignored it standing in her feet again the adrenaline giving her streight.

[Here we go, welcome to my funeral
Without you, I don't even have a pulse
All alone, it's dark and cold
With every move I die]

Kaori was running again .She had to search for people, those who survived and help them. She was lucky she was outside her and Yamato's house when Pein destroyed Konoha with one stricke. Her heart beat faster, not out of the increasing loss of stamina, but for fear of something that was chasing her. But at the same time, her heart bled for the man she loved so much.

[Here I go, this is my confession, oh
A lost cause, nobody can save my soul
I am so delusional,
With every move I die]

She loved him. She wanted to spend the rest of her life with him, yes... She wanted to see him again looking at her lovingly , she wanted to kiss him again, she wanted to say she loved him again.. But right now, she didn't know if she would be alive to do all these..

Her eyes widened in fear.
"Please God, give me more time... "

[i have destroyed my love, it's gone.
Payback is sick, it's all my fault.]

Her eyes widened and watered. A gasp-scream came out her mouth, mixed with a sobbing sound.

Infrond of her, it was Kakashi's body, half burried in rocks his Mankeko Sharringan active as he saved Choji from Pein's attack to him. His eye then closed slowly, his head hanged down lifelessly..

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