Chapter 22

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'Hmm, how should I invite him to come to the festival with me..? '

Kaori tried to think of a way to invite Yamato at the Spring Festival with her. Of course it was easier said than done. What should she say to him? Would he want to come with her, or she would make a fool of herself infront of him ?

'I think about it, too much.. ' She scolded herself.

Kaori's thoughts were interrupted by a ruckus at the hospital entrance. She could hear raised voices arguing loudly. She got up from her station to investigate, while Otoha continued to file her nails. It was Kakashi's genin who were the source of the disturbance.

"I'm fine! I don't need to be here. Sasuke's the one who needs to be babied!" Naruto protested.

"You're not fine!" Sakura hit him on the arm. Naruto grimaced. "See, you're hurt too," Sakura said pointedly.

"That's because you just hit me!"

"Shut up, idiot. Just get checked out. They won't let you on another mission until you do," growled Sasuke.

"That's right, Naruto-san," Kaori said as she walked over. "What happened? Did you get hurt on a mission?" She noted that Naruto's orange jacket and pants were ripped and dirty. There were a few bloodstains on his clothes but from what she could tell, his exposed skin looked fine.

"I didn't, but Sasuke sure did!" Naruto gleefully explained.

Sasuke said nothing, but he looked ready to kill Naruto, even if he had to rip out his jugular with his teeth.

Kaori noted that Sasuke was limping and he was holding his left shoulder with his right hand in pain. His clothes were in the same condition as Naruto's, but there were visible bruises, lacerations, and puncture wounds on his face, arms and legs.

"How about you Sakura-san?" Kaori looked over at Sakura who appeared to be the only one without any obvious injuries. Her red dress was a bit dirty but otherwise in good condition.

"It's just these two who need to be looked at.'t involved with all the fighting," she admitted shamefacedly.

"All right, Naruto-san you wait in exam room one and Sasuke-san in room two please. Sakura-san you can wait in the lounge. I'll page the medics."

Since it was not an emergency, Iashi, the medic currently on duty, instructed Kaori to perform the standard tests while he finished his rounds. Kaori first checked in on Sasuke, the more serious case.

The boy glared at her with his dark eyes. Kaori, used to that look from uncooperative patients, paid it no mind at all. She instructed Sasuke to remove his arm warmers so she could take his blood pressure. She noticed his blue shirt was not only ripped and dirty, but also singed. They must have been on a tough mission.

"So, Sasuke-san," the nurse said brightly, "how did your mission go? My, you look bigger and stronger every time I see you."

"Hmmf, maybe you should get your eyes checked," he said in his usual cold voice. Having been beaten by the ex-Konoha/Rain shinobi Aoi, he was in no mood for banter, especially since his archrival Naruto was the successful one.

Kaori decided to use the oral thermometer instead of the ear thermometer on the rude boy. She stuck it a bit roughly in his mouth and wrapped the blood pressure monitor a bit too tightly. His blood pressure was normal but his temperature was a bit elevated. Next she drew some blood to screen for any poisons the enemy might have used.

"The medic will be here shortly. Since your temperature's a bit high and I noticed a number of contusions on your body and head, you'll probably be kept for observation."

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