Chapter 19

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Kaori decided that she should stop crying. It was meantless. None would care to ask her what was wrong anyway...

She was used to be alone...

But she cherished a little at the thought that at Sunday night it would be hers and Kakashi's date. She smiled excited at the thought. She had sent him a message that said the date would be at her parents for dinner. This was a chance for her annoying family, to meet him. Then they would stop whining about her find a man.

" And who knows.. " She thought. " Maybe he will ask me for a second date too.. " She tried to think optimistic, but she knew that there was no chance for that. It was obvious that Kakashi had no interest on her. But of course, she dismissed that obvious fact all the time, because she was in love with him. Or at least she thought she was.. She didn't know what meant to be in love, and this was the closest she ever got.

Sunday night came all too soon.

Kaori thought a lot about what to wear to her family dinner. She wanted to impress Kakashi , but she couldn't look like she was trying to impress him, or her family would be suspicious. She decided on wearing her hair down, but with barrettes at the side so that she wouldn't be accidentally eating her hair; one and a half inch heel tan sandals, since any high than that was too skanky; simple silver, not too dangly, earrings with a matching silver pendant in the shape of Konoha's leaf symbol; and a silver charm bracelet, which would look more casual than formal, with charms in the shape of the symbols of all the countries.

The dress took extra consideration: a dress, rather than a skirt and blouse, since a blouse could become untucked from the skirt; a knee length dress when standing, which would ride up a few more inches when sitting, to expose her shapely thigh. It couldn't be a new dress, but it had to be a nice one, not too conservative or sexy, and not green. It had to be perfect. She finally decided on a rose pink dress with a subtle intricately weavedpattern, and edges embroidered with burgundy thread. It had mid length sleeves and a boat collar, showing off her collarbone and neck, but nothing below that. Of course, she changed her mind about a hundred times before she finally got dressed, and her usually neat bedroom looked as if new genin had practiced their jutsu in her room.

Kaori arrived just before 6:30 to avoid any long interrogation from her family. But as soon as she stepped foot across the threshold, her mother grabbed her, looked behind her, and asked, "So where's your date? You promised!"

"He'll be here," Kaori said while extricating herself from her mother's grip. "He may be late since he's on a mission today."

"Right," mocked her bitchy sister-in-law. "There's always next time, and the time after that and the..."

"He'll be here!!" Kaori insisted. She glared at her nemesis, who was allowing her bratty toddler to play with her milk bottle on top of the coffee table. It looked as if she were playing tic-tac-toe.

"Unless he gets killed," Kaori's brother laughed.

"Don't say things like that! It's bad luck!" What if something really did happen to him? The thought horrified Kaori in more ways than one.

"Sorry, I was just kidding. I'm sure your date will be here," Akira said shamefacedly.

But 6:30 came and went with no sign of Kakashi. Her sister's and brother's families had all arrived early in anticipation of the special guest. Kaori's mother and sister had already set the table and all the food was ready. Now most of them sat waiting in the living room. The men grumbled about being hungry, but the women all insisted on waiting for the special guest.

"So who is this guy?" her sister Sumire asked after a while. She held the baby in her arms while her other two children sat by her feet drawing pictures with crayons

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