Chapter 6

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Calum’s Point of View

          I woke up and checked the time. It was about four in the morning and I really had to pee. I got up and used the bathroom and when I got back in bed I realized something. Where is Luke? His bed is still perfectly made up and he has been gone a while. I wonder if he went back to Ashton and Michael’s room and just crashed there. I’ll call him just to make sure he’s alright. “Cal?” I hear Luke’s raspy say through the phone. “Yeah. Man, where are you?” I say into the phone. “Oh um well I’m kind of in Sydney’s room” he says. “What the heck man? Did you…?” I ask but don’t finish my sentence before Luke interrupts me. “No, you know I’m not like that” he quickly says. “I know, but you might want to fill me in on what did happen.” I say curious as to why he is sleeping in Sydney’s room. “Hey Cal it’s late and I’m tired and I don’t want to wake her up. Can we just talk about this tomorrow? We have a long bus ride back tomorrow.” My best friend says. “Yeah sure, but it would have been nice if you had let me know where you were.” I say. “Yeah sorry about that Cal. Goodnight” Luke says. “Night Luke” I say before hanging up and going back to sleep.

Sydney’s Point of View

          “Luke who are you talking to?” I ask Luke as I roll over. “Just Calum. I forgot to tell him where I was so he was just checking to make sure I was alright. Nothing to worry about Love.” He says sleepily. Love? Did he just call me Love? Must be an Aussie thing. “Hey Luke?” I asked. “Yeah Syd?” he replies rolling over to face me. “Do you do this often?” I ask. “Never” he replies knowing what I meant. I don’t exactly know what is going on between Luke and me, but I’m glad he doesn’t do this with other girls.

          The next morning when I woke up I would have never expected to wake up in the same room as Luke Hemmings. It was all like a dream last night. I went to see my favorite band perform, I met them, and I even slept in the same room as Luke Hemmings. It was pretty unreal. I’m not exactly sure if it was the lack of sleep or the fact that I’m just a strange girl, but I went over to Luke and touched his arm just to make sure he was real and that I wasn’t just dreaming. Yup he is real alright. He rolled over but made no noise. I checked the time. It was almost nine. Luke’s phone buzzed beside him and he didn’t even flinch. He had gotten a new message. I picked up his phone and he had five missed calls from Calum. Three from Ashton. Two from Michael. He also had seventeen new texts. I figured it must be important for them to call so much. “Hey, Hey Luke” I say poking his arm. “Go away Calum” he says. Wow I like how he just assumes that anybody waking him up is Calum. “Luke wake up! It’s Sydney and the boys have been trying to call you. He shoots out of bed and grabs his phone from my hands. He curses under his breath before calling Calum. “Hey Cal. Sorry I slept in a little. I’ll be right down.” He says rushing to straighten himself out. He hangs up and goes over to the bathroom to splash some water on his face. “I was supposed to meet the boys for breakfast about an hour ago. I mean they probably slept in for about half of that hour, but they have been waiting on me. Want to join. It’s nothing fancy just the hotel complimentary breakfast.” He says talking fast while fixing his hair a little. And before I could even reply I was halfway to the elevator. “Thank goodness I had my room key in my hand or this would have ended badly. “Oh yeah sorry for the rush. I didn’t even think about that.” Luke says with a guilty face. “It’s fine. As long as there is still some waffles left when I get there.” I say before the elevator arrives and we make our way to the breakfast. 

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