Marcus Kane- Daughter (c)

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The 100 One Shot

When you were reunited with the people that survived from the ark, you didn't have the happiness and hopefulness everyone else had. Anger shook through you, and you decided murder would be a likely action if you weren't able to functionally use your words.

Everyone had their own people to talk to, and you certainly did. As soon as your eyes locked with those of the man that was the target of your anger you stomped towards him. He made a steady, relaxed pace towards you.

"Y/N," he smiled towards you, opening his arms as though he expected a hug, but you slapped his hand away.

"Do not dare act as though you care," you spat.


You didn't think and just let your actions play out, allowing your palm to collide with his cheek, the noise drawing everyone's attention to the pair of you.

"I know you are angry," he began.

"Do you? Do you really? I'm your daughter. And you sent me here, not knowing if I would survive, not knowing if I would be alive for longer than a second. So I don't think you quite understand who furious and betrayed I feel Father," you retorted.

He gave you a pitiful smile. Even though you were angry at him, you hoped that it had been a hard decision for him to make, that he struggled to let you leave and struggled to know that you could die. That he had no choice, that he missed you every day, that he would have changed his decision if he could. However you knew that probably wasn't the case.

"Abby sent Clarke. Thelonious sent Wells. I-"

Once more you cut off your Father's words.

"I don't care what they did. That was their choice. They chose that and I do not think any less of them for that. You on the other hand didn't have to follow in their footsteps and send your daughter here. I have nearly died every day I have been here. We all have. I understand you did this to see whether it was habitable for everyone to live here, but I would have rather died that had to have seen the things I have. I have seen my friends brutally injured and murdered. I can't ever un-see those things," you whispered attempting to hold your firm gaze but it was faltering with the onset of tears.

He reached out to rest his hand on your shoulder. You attempted to flinch away but failed to do so.

"I apologise. I love you and I would never put you in unnecessary danger. However I had no choice in this matter. You were in lock-up and I had no choice but to send you. I knew you are strong and that you'd be able to survive no matter the dangers you'd face. You are brave and strong, you are just like your mother."


Written by Charlotte

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