Benedict Bridgerton- Eavesdrop (c)

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Bridgerton One Shot

"Y/N, would you allow me the honour of courting you?"

Your heart skipped a beat at the sound of Benedict's voice. You had known Benedict since you were quite young due to you being close friends with his younger sister Daphne and spending most of your time at the Bridgerton home. You got along well with all of Daphne's siblings, but you had always had a soft spot for the second oldest son.

In all the years that you had known Benedict, you had formed quite a crush, but you never believed that he would like you in return, so it was beyond a shock to hear him asking you to court him. It would have shocked you more if he had actually said it to your face, as currently you were walking through a hall in the Bridgerton home and accidentally overheard him asking the question from inside a room.

You paused at the door, hesitant to eavesdrop but also intrigued by why Benedict would be asking such a question.

"Would you like to court me?" He asked again.

You took a step closer to the door, almost pressing your ear up against the wood.

"Shall we start courting?" Benedict asked, this time seeming almost exasperated.

A chuckle came from the room but not from the man you had been listening to.

"I think the first was probably the better option," a second man, you recognised the voice of being Colin, said.

"I don't want a better option, I want a perfect option," Benedict sighed. "I don't want to mess this up. I care deeply for her, and I fear that she doesn't feel the same."

"Do not be a fool Benedict," Colin chuckled. "She is completely infatuated with you; you could do nothing and just ask her the damn question and she would be happy to say yes."

Your heart was in an uncontrollable flutter, and you became somewhat lightheaded just from the thought that the man you had cared for over so many years could care about you too. In the moment panic in your mind, you stumbled against the door, only now finding out that the door wasn't fully closed, accidentally flinging it open. You managed to catch yourself against the open door but the two men in the room were now aware of you being there.

"H-how long have you been there?" Benedict panicked.

"Only a moment," you squeaked, your cheeks becoming warm and your hands starting to sweat.

Colin gave his older brother a shove, making him stumble a couple of steps towards you. Benedict tried to clear his throat, peering back to his brother as if for encouragement.

"Y/N," he croaked. "Would you... maybe you would like to... would you do me the honour of courting me?"

A smile stretched wide on your face, feeling as though you had just stepped into a dream.

"It would be my honour."


Written by Charlotte.

Tumblr Request.

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