Chapter 19

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*3rd person*

"You finished your little mission yet?" He asked harshly gripping his shoulder.

"Yeah" he replied nervously "I'm going out with her Friday"

"Very bring her somewhere where only you two will be, DO NOT SLIP UP"
he spat at him and walked away.

Did he really want to do this to her? She seems like a great girl. Does he really want to ordered around and get into trouble by him again?!

Skips to Friday night


"Remember Marli, I'm staying over at Alice's if dad asks. Please cover for me" I begged my brother

"Yes! I told you ok. I won't tell. Now go before mom and dad comes back." He said rolling his eyes. I hugged him and kissed him on the cheeks "stop" he whined " you think I'm your baby sister or something " I smile and kissed him again...just to annoy him and went out. I went over to Alice's to get changed in my date clothes. He said to wear something fancy so u bought a gold high heel shoes, a black and red meshed dress, a gold necklace and a gold watch.
I put on some face powder, grabbed my gold purse and went downstairs. I heard the doorbell ring.

"Alice, open the door" I say suddenly feeling a bit nervous.

"Why me? Its obvious who is out there"

"Just open it! Its your house" she lazily got up out of the couch and opened it.

"Hi you must be Odane" she said

"Yeah, Amoi here?"

"Yeah.. Amoi!!!!!" She screamed

I stayed in the couch a little and then got up making my way towards the door.

"Hey gorgeous!" He said with a smile. He was dressed in a black and white suit. "I have to say you look incredibly beautiful tonight" he says and I blush

"Ok..take your flirting off my doorway" Alice said making us laugh.
I held his hand and walked with him to his Mercedes Benz.

"Here, put this over your eyes" he handed me a blindfold

I swallowed a lump in my throat "why?"

"Don't you trust me?" He said smirking "I don't want you to know where we going. I want it to be a surprise"

"Ok" I tied the blindfold around my head and over my eyes. I sighed.

About twenty minutes later I hear him say "we're here. You can take it off now"

"Finally" I hurriedly took it off "where am I?" I asked scared a little. It was dark everywhere and I could hardly make out a thing. Only thing I know is that the car drove into an abandoned concrete house. Well, not a house..more like the starting of a house. Bushes were all around and it definitely weren't romantic.

"I didn't want to do this but he's my boss. If I didn't do this my college fund would not be paid. I'm sorry" he kissed my cheek

"Why did you tell me to wear something fancy then?"

"So it'll be harder for you to run  away" with that he disappeared

I then heard a familiar voice "hi Amoi, it's very disturbing seeing you again. "



Short again. I know, I know.
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