Chapter 4

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School went on smoothly each day. All I had to worry about was Nadia,Brandon and Alya.
Nadia was just a born bitch. She always clings onto Brandon and shoot dirty glares at anyone who looked at them.
As for Brandon I avoided him as best as possible. He didn't seem like he wanted to talk anyway. It's not like we even know each other so it seemed as nothing to him.
I didn't plan on confronting Alya. If she had felt the guilt she would have said something. I tried to act normal with her but always end up telling her off.

We were sitting here at the cafeteria - Alya,Alice and i. As Alya started talking I shut her up and we start arguing. The quarrel die down but when she speaks again the cycle continues as Alice sits there ignoring us knowing that if she interfered it would not turn out well.

"Shut up Alya..that big mouth of yours haven't stop talking crap since we sat here" I spatted

"What the hell is wrong with you Amoi. You've been acting like a stuck up bitch all week" she said

"Says the school biggest whore. You're even worst than Nadia and she's the sluttiest person I know." Ok that's a lie Alya isn't a whorw but c'mon were cursing here. "You say I'm a stuck up bitch but at least I'm not sticking my tongue where it does not belong" did I just say that

"That's it Amoi. Tell me what the hell did I do that you haven't stop snapping at me" she said a little caring this time.
I remained silent.

"Ok let me say" Alice started "you betrayed her by kissing the same boy she told you she had a crush on the day before"

I looked at her as she lowered her head in shame.

"You saw that?" She asked softly

"Yeah I did" I replied firmly "and I hate you for it" I said and stomped away.
I've been doing that alot these days.


With Nadia by my side I lazily walked into the cafeteria. I heard Alya and Amoi throwing words at each other so I decided to eaves drop. I sent away Nadia to go pick up my lunch which she immediately went for.

"What the hell is wrong with you Amoi. You've been acting like a stuck up bitch all week." I heard Alya say

"Says the school biggest whore.You're even worse than Nadia and she's the sluttiest person I know." Amoi spat back. That's true. She continued "You say I'm a stuck up bitch but at least I'm not sticking my tongue where it does not belong" whooooooo
No doubt she's talking about me and Alya.

"That's it Amoi. Tell me what the hell did I do that you haven't stopped snapping at me" Alya said soft but firm

Amoi remained quiet staring out at blank space like she was replaying the scene all over again.

"Ok let me say. You betrayed her by kissing the same boy she told you she had a crush on the day before" Alice said
Oh I knew it.
I wasn't surprised at all. Everyone wants me.

"You saw that?" Alya said with shame

"Yeah and I hate you for it" Amoi said and walked away.
Girls actually malice over me.
I'm really the guy.
I have to say though I kind of liked how Amoi doesn't throw herself at me like the others. Especially for a new girl. The ones before flung themselves at me without me making an attempt at them. This is the first girl that comes into this school and hasn't had sex with me in the first 2 weeks. It's nearly a month now and she still haven't made a move. But now that I know she likes me imma sweet her up,get in her pants and throw her away. Just like all the others.


Its really a short chapter but I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.

For all the authors out there reading this, have you ever written a chapter and when writing it sounds so good. But when you read it over it sounds crappy??
I've made my own solution... Don't read over!!!



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