Chapter 28

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Shout out to @bellaStuntman, @ellisnicole11 and @NecoBrown11 for adding my stories to their reading lists.


Couple minutes later I saw the arrival of the Campbell's. Brandon was looking rather pissed while his mom looked stressed. Little Braeden seemed to have no idea of what was going on as he looked confused in the hands of a very straight face Jamar. Alex seemed to be use to this so he was just his casual self.

"I'm so sorry for what happened" Mrs Campbell sat beside my dad apologising "I had no idea about-"

"Amoi, can I speak to you" Brandon asked through gritted teeth. "In private" I stood up and followed him in the elevator and outside the hospital to our car when he finally broke the silence staring at me "what did Adrian do? And why didn't you tell me"

Well, I had no problem in telling him what his creepy, insane dad did but him asking why I didn't tell him?, I did not know the answer to that.

Sure we told each other things, but we don't have the Sam Cahill and Macy Anderson relationship, where we are comfortable to tell each other EVERYTHING. Especially since I know what Adrian is capable of.

"He tied us up and shot mom when the police arrived"

He was silent.

Say something! Jheez!

"Amoi, why didn't you tell me." He said still sounding mad

"Why are you speaking to me in an angry tone. It's you that has the maniac father trying to kill my damn family and instead of even trying to comfort me a little you're blaming me for not telling you" I said raising my voice "you should know that I couldn't tell you! Same way how I couldn't tell you what he did the first time! You're just so...ughh!! You frustrate me! My mother may die and you're here asking me such a stupid question?! Just leave me alone" I walked away heading back to the hospital door.

"Hey I'm sorry" he pulled me back into a hug as I sobbed into his chest "I'm so so so sorry. But babe you should know that you can tell me things ok?" I nod "He could've hurt you and you know I can't cope without you. " he sighed "c'mon let's get back in"

We walked in the waiting room seeing our family looking our way worried as ever.
"You okay?" Marli mouthed and I nod

"Where is aunt K and Uncle John?" I ask seeing as they were no where to be seen

"They've gone to get food" dad informed. I sat back between Marli and dad and rested my head on Marli's shoulder "no news as yet?"

"No" we both sighed.

What would I do without my mother?

Every girl needs their mother in their life.

A tear spilled down my cheek.

Just then I saw a bunch of nurses and doctors rushing all about the place, most going along the path that led to mom's room.

Now I was crying harder than ever.

Please don't die mom!

Please dont die.

I grabbed Marli's t-shirt and let my tears flow. He rubbed my back trying to comfort me but nothing could do that right now.

"Its gonna be ok princess" i heard my dad say through cracked voice

I realized i was so selfish.
My brother and especially my dad was hurting badly, yet still I acted as if I was the only one going through a hard time taking in all the sympathetic attention from everyone else.

If they could bear it a little, i could do too. I just have to hope that she lives.
Crying wont heal her, but maybe staying strong for her will help a little.
My family needs me as much as i need them.

I soaked up all my tears and my dad and brother.
"It is gonna be ok" i sniffed

How was it?



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