Chapter 2

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" Amoi honey get down here"my mom bellowed from downstairs.

"Gimme a sec" I shouted exiting the bathroom and donning my two piece nightie which was a strapless blouse and a short shorts. I slipped on my house slippers and ran down the stairs.

"Took you long enough"my brother and best friend- Damarli  said shoving me in the kitchen.

Yes I know its weird. Sisters and brothers should fight and quarrel but not us. Of course he annoyed me but he was the only boy I knew I could trust. He knows all my deepest secrets and I know his.
I went in the kitchen and was surprised to see....Brandon. I gaped at him until  Damarli laughed at me and shut my mouth.

"Oh darling... Here are our new neighbours. Mr and Mrs Campbell and their sons Brandon and Braeden."my mom said

"Hey"I greeted them
They all said 'hello' in sync except for little Braeden. He was so cute. He looked about 7 years old. Just a younger version of Brandon.

"Damarli you can go get the boys something to watch while Amoi here will help me in the kitchen and...Kent!!! Get down here!"mom shouted at dad " Kent will occupy you two" she said winking at us.

Brandon, Braeden and Marli went out of sight and to the living room while me and mom started working. I am just so sorry for Mr and Mrs Campbell. Dad can be very boring when he wants.

Dinner was finished and I set the table as mom carried out the food.
We all gathered round and offered words it prayer and started digging into our food. It was a shame cooked ox tail and I couldn't get to eat it the messy way because of the Campbells'. Oh well.

"So" my dad this is weird. Dad starting a convo...let's see where this ends " you go to the same school as Princess here?" He asked Brandon motioning to me.

"Uh..yes actually we have met"

"Oh" dad replied sipping on the natural fruit juice that mom made.

"Wow Mrs Chambers..this food is a delight and I've never tasted such an amazing fruit juice" Mrs Campbell complimented making my mom blush.

"Oh thank you" she replied " you can call me Kristen"

Dinner went smooth apart from dad's rude interruptions. It wasn't as bad as I expected. Now I'd have to live with one thing. Brandon's house is right across mine.

"Dinner was amazing. I'd love to come over again. And maybe you can join us sometime" Mrs Chambers said as my family escorted hers to the door.
No please don't!

"Sure!" Mom said excitedly "goodnight" they hugged and the family were off.
Well,that went well.


I woke up at the blasting sound of my alarm rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. I did my daily morning routine and went to school.

"Hey Amoi I heard you were talking with Bad boy Brandon."

"Hey Alice. Yeah I never knew he was 'bad boy Brandon' until now..what could be so bad about him?" I questioned curiously

"He slept with 3/4 of the school's girl population!" She said obviously rolling her eyes.

"Really??...even you?"

"Me?? kidding? He is cute and all but not my type. I have a boyfriend - Tylon." Tylon??? The shameful boy.

"Tylon??...but you said I wasn't supposed to speak to him. why?"

"He's not really a people's person but we get each other."

"Oh...well see ya later"


I went in search of my locker taking out my maths text book.

"Hey Newbie" I heard the familiar annoying voice of the bitch- Nadia. "I want you to keep your hands to yourself and stop messing around Brandon. He obviously isn't interested so don't push it." She snapped walking away. This girl is getting on my last nerves. I saw my new found friend Alya and u ran up to hug her.
"Hey girl" I greeted

" you and Alice girl talk later?"

"Sure" I smiled heading off to class with her. "If she doesn't get another detention"
Yeah that's right. I've learnt that Alice is a baddy baddy.

Me and the girls met outside a little coffee shop further down the street from school.

"So have you seen anyone you like yet?" Alya asked smirking

"Well I think Brandon is cute..I totally like him" I told  them blushing looking down in the book I was reading. Yah I'm a big time nerd. I'll always be reading something.

"Girl me too...I've had a crush on him since forever...I've heard he's amazing in bed. Ohhhh I wish for the day"
What???!!!!!! I didn't want her to have a crush on him. I can't do anything though. She is one of my close friends so I'd just keep my feelings and just hope she keeps hers too. I just hope she doesn't only wanted him for pleasure.

"So what's up with you?" I asked Alice changing the topic

"The norm..getting detention as the school year begins."
We all laughed at that.
We stayed a little longer talking about random stuff including getting to know each other and of course knowing where we all live, then heading separate ways.

Next day at school I tried my best to avoid both Brandon and Alya but had sessions with them and we kept meeting up. Finally I was alone in Physics. None of them had this class at this time.
Unfortunately for me Justin was in this class and wouldn't stop throwing paper balls at me.
"For the last time Justin...stop throwing those at me."
He didn't stop. He just went on and on and on. I was sick and tired of this.
"Fuck you Justin! Why don't you take those paper balls and shove it in......"

"Enough Ms Chambers...why don't you head to the principal's office" my teacher said angrily hitting the desk
Oh great
I shot Justin a death glare and stomped out of the class.
As I went through the corridors going to the office I saw Alya and Brandon.....kissing?


There you have it... Second chapter done!!!
Watcha think??!!!

What do you think of Alya's character so far?

I didn't include Brandon's POV but I promise it will be in the next!!



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