Chapter 22

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"I hope everyone enjoys their Christmas break" our principal finished and we were out.
I haven't spoke to Brandon in months and it seems like he is fed up because he won't try to at least get my attention like he used to.
I shrug and joined Alice and Alya as they hugged some friends bidding goodbye.
"Hey guys" I enveloped them in a tight hug. "I'm gonna miss you so much" Alice was going to spend time with her relatives in Canada for the Christmas break. Alya was going to be all over the world travelling from one area to the next to meet up with some old friends and distant family members. While me, I was going to be in this boring old place with no friends. Both of them were leaving early tomorrow so I had the rest of the day to spend with them until they go home to pack.

"We're gonna miss you to babe"

"Yeah very much"

I finally let go of them "so where are we gonna spend the rest of the day"

"Shopping!!" Alice sang

"Nope" there ain't no way I'm spending the last day -for a long time- with these two shopping.

"How about we stay in, watch Central Intelligence, take a few pics, mess with your brother and then you'll help us pack Amoi" Alya suggested

"As much as I am tired of Central Intelligence your idea is way better than Alice's" I commented earning me a slap from Alice.

And that is what happened. After Alice saying a final goodbye to her boyfriend who is leaving in 2 days, we went over to my place, watched to movie, snapped a few pictures and we may or may not have took pictures of Marli when he was a sleep and spread whip cream on his face. We then had a 1 hour game of powder and flour war (its the same thing as water war but instead of water powder and/or flour is used) . Then me and Alice helped Alya to pack then went over to Alice's house to help her pack.

I was back at home a after 9. Of course I had informed my parents about my whereabouts. They were back at the house. They said they had took care of Adrian and that we shouldn't worry about it. I know I should've now told Brandon what had happened but I was still a little scared.
It would just have to wait.

"Merry Christmas to you, Merry Christmas to you, Merry Christmas dear sister, Merry Christmas to youuu." Marli sang in my ears waking me up.

I couldn't help but laugh a little "that's a birthday song, they have a Christmas song y'know"

"Want me to sing it for you?"

"No you sound like a frog" I laughed at him

"At least I wished you Merry Christmas.. Where's mine?"

"Merry Christmas dork" I shoved him in the face and went to the bathroom.

After showering, and donning my white jeans, white button up shirt with a white merina under and my white converse with white socks of course. It was my all-white Christmas.
I face-timed Alice and she joined Alya.
"Hey guys Merry Christmas!"

"Wow," Alice gaped at me "you look.."

"White" Alya suggested and i laughed "merry Christmas to you too"

"Uh..yeah..merry Christmas Amoi" Alice choked out "uh can you let us see your full outfit?" She asked

I scanned the phone from head to toe when i heard "Amoi, we're waiting"

"Guys that was my dad gotta go miss you" i jogged down the stairs.
"Merry Christmas mom, merry Christmas dad" I kissed their cheeks

"Merry Christmas sweety"

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