Chapter 35

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"What do you mean, your moving?"he asked, wanting to cry

"Baby I'm so sorry, it was just a few days ago they told me. I don't want to go, but I have no choice"

He went to sit at the edge of the bed with his back turned to me "when are you leaving?"

"The day after Adrian's case"

"That's just a few friggin weeks from now!" He shout

"I'm really sorry"

"Is that why you gave me your virginity? 'Cause you'd be leaving soon?" He said looking at me disappointedly

"Yes" I whispered looking down

"You betrayed me!" He stood up "I thought you loved me!"

"I do Brandon, I love you"

"Shut up and get out!"

"No!, not until you listen to me" I cried stepping in front of him

"Ok what?" He looked really hurt. But I also did it because I love him, I just have to make him understand that.

"It was because I love you, I gave it up to you." I explained "I wanted to give up something so special to me to someone I loved. And that's what exactly happened. I'm not using you"

He calmed down and lay face down in the bed and sighed. "You promise?"

"Yes" I said firmly

"I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me"

I climbed beside him and hugged him "let's just sleep"


When we returned to school Monday, we were back to normal. No amount of awkwardness.

I didn't even know if I felt different than before.

But, I felt happy.

With the few weeks I have left with my friends, imma live up to every moment enjoying it.

I just have Alexia, Alya and Tylon to tell that I'm leaving, which I plan to do today so I can get that off my chest.

At lunch, everyone sat talking about from, and instead of being mute, I talked with them.

"So what are you wearing?" Alya asked me

"I'm not going"

"What!" She asked holding her heart. I laughed "this is prom we're talking about y'know"

"Yes, I know, but.." I looked at Brandon and Alice to see them staring back at me "i-ill be leaving in April"

"What do you mean leaving?" Tylon jumped up

"I'm moving from Highland. I'm going to live in Jamaica" I shut my eyes and say.

No one was saying anything so I peeped to see what was their reaction.
As expected they were all shocked.

"Why don't you wait till graduation?" Alexia finally asked

"Uh, just some family issues"

Everyone was quiet again.

Here goes awkward!

"So, let's stop acting dumb and savour every moment with her will ya" Alice said saving me.

Thank jeez for her!

"Oh gosh, poor Brandon, you know you guys have to do it before you leave right?" Alya said making us all laugh, lightning up the mood

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