Chapter 14

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Babe answer your phone!

Whatever I did I'm sorry

Why are you not answering my texts and calls

You're supposed to come over in 10 minutes please be there

Hun we need to sort whatever this is out

I so wanted to answer his calls and reply to his texts but Alice here gave strict orders to ignore it.
"C'mon Alice" I begged for the hundredth time " they don't even know what they did"

She rolled her eyes "fine! Go! It just upsets me. I hate Nadia so freaking much." She looked down on her phone "Oh gosh I've got to apologise to Tylon..he's practically freaking out now" great so when your boyfriend's freaking out you run to him but when mine stop me from going to him. What a friend.

"Bye Alice. I've got a boyfriend to apologize to" I grabbed my phone from her and walked out texting Brandon that I'll be over.
Why can't I have a friend that is not selfish!

I walked over to the Campbells' and rang the doorbell thinking what I would say to Brandon.

"Hi" Brandon said out of breath and hugged me..tightly.


"Oh sorry" he said letting go and I laughed " so I'm sorry.."

I cut him off "it's me who should apologise.. Alice was angry that you guys sat there doing nothing so she was in my head all day telling me to avoid you..I'm sorry"

"Its ok..come in"he gestured in the house. Damn I didn't even noticed i was still outside.

"Hey Brandon, you gotta hot chick over there" I heard a mischievous voice in the living room who looked like an older Brandon. He must be Alex.

"She's off limits Alex!" Brandon said with rage

"This is our living room..y'know...the room in which we live"he said completely ignoring Brandon

"Thanks tour guide" Brandon said "now Amoi" he said turning to me " why don't I show you to my room"he held my hand walking upstairs

"And then mines!" We heard Alex shouted and I rolled my eyes.

"You're going already?"

"Yes my dad will be furious if I don't reach home in the next five minutes."

"Its a two minute walk from here to your house. Spend 3 more minutes here." He said hanging on to my hand

I kissed him on his lips "sorry babe..gotta go" I went outside and walked over to my house.

As I was about to pull my door, once again Adrian put his heavy hands over my mouth.

"I thought I told you to stat away from my son" oh jeez "if I see you with him again..I'll destroy your whole family" he laughed "break up with him by tomorrow night or else..." And he was gone
Oh gosh. I can't do this! Break up with Brandon??? I can't!! He will be broken. I will be broken!

I turned the doorknob and walked in to see my father on his rocking chair with a newspaper reading.

"Where are you coming from young lady?"

"" I stuttered

"You want some water?" I heard the annoying voice of my brother Damarli

"Shut up Marli"

"Where. Are. You. Coming. From.?" Dad spoke more slowly, firmly and strictly.

"" I said more like a question

"And who might that friend be?" He said obviously not buying my excuse
But it was the truth! I was our with a friend! My boyfriend.


"Oh Alya.. Ok so why were you so nervous when I asked you first?"
What is he? A detective?
I didn't know what else to say so I did the most sane thing I could right now. I ran upstairs and locked myself in my room.

A few minutes later I heard a knock.
"Its me sis" whew lucky me

I slowly opened the door and Damarli stepped in. "Was at your boyfriend's?"


"Why do you go there when you know dad can't stand the thought of you having a man" he stated

"Well he won't get angry anymore cause imma break up with him" I sighed plopping back on my bed

He mimicked my actions " I thought you liked the guy"

"I do!" I shouted at him

"So because of dad your ending your relationship?.. Stupid!"

"No! Its because of his dad" he looked at me with confusion so I explained everything that happened to him.

He was shocked "and you're telling me this now? I thought I was your best friend"

"You are. But Brandon seemed to have it under control. By the way you are a very bad bestie! What was that earlier?"

"All apart of being your brother. Gotta play two roles at once. Gimme a brake"


"So when you gonna break up with him?"

"Tomorrow. I don't think I have the heart to do it but I've gotta"

"Come here" he hugged me "everything's gonna be ok" I know he's trying to comfort me but how can everything be ok? I drifted off to sleep with that in mind


So I've decided to continue.
Hope you enjoyed it!



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