Chapter 10

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It was..Adrian. What the hell??
What is he doing here?
What does he have against me?

"I want you to stay away from my son!" He spoke harshly. His son? What the hell is he speaking about? I've heard about him..not much though. I heard that he left his family and that was all. I also knew how he looked from pictures and description.

"What are you talking about?.. I'm new here. I don't make trouble with anyone" I said nervously stammering

"Haha" he laughed "Brandon. Stay. Away. From. Brandon." He said slowly laughing. He let go of his strong grip and walked away. I went straight  inside closing the door behind me. Brandon can never be his son. He is a Richardson and Brandon is a Campbell. I have to ask Brandon about this. Right now I'm confused and tired. I need to sleep.
"Mom, dad, jerk face.. I'm home!!!!" I shouted not even caring if they heard or not. I went to my room, showered and lay on my bed drifting off to sleep.

Somehow I was scared to ask Brandon about what happened. I slowly walked up to his locker where he was and whispered "Brandon" I then realized that I myself couldn't here me. "Brandon" I said more loudly

He looked around frightened...probably too loudly "oh hey"

"" I just couldn't say anything. I knew I have to tell him and I have to tell him today but ughh this is so hard and frightening. What If that psychopath was spying on me. "Can you meet me after school in the school's garden. I need to talk to you" I finally said

He had this worried look on his face "what is it? Is it about last night? Did I do something wrong? Did anyone hurt you?"

"No...we'll talk after school"

"OK" he said as I walked off to my first class meeting Alice on the way.

"How was last night?" She asked as I reached where she was

"Better than the first date. We kissed!!!" I said shouting in a whisper the last part while my cheeks turned into a tomato

"Aaah..tell me more!"... ......

I sat on a rock in the garden waiting for Brandon.
I finally saw the messy hair freak coming my way.

"Hey babe" he said giving me a slight kiss on the cheeks. He said babe!!!!! Are we a thing now? He didn't say that! Can I call him babe too??? " so what you wanna talk about?" Ohhh yeah...not time to fantasize about a relationship right now.

"Um..yeah" how the heck should I start? "Are you by any chance related to an Adrian Richardson?" I saw his eyes pop open and worry pass through them but just for a second.

" is the is the problem.. Why are you asking me that?" He said stuttering and shaking nervously.

"You're not his son. Right?"
He looked down and then sat on the ground. "You are his son. Aren't you?" I said in disbelief. I can't believe this. I want to run away right now. Buuut...I don't know if all I heard about Adrian is true. They can be rumors but then again Brandon's surname isn't Richardson sooooo.....

"Yes I am his son. But I'm not like him. I'm much better than him. I'll never do to you like what he did to mom. Please do not let what he has done interfere with our relationship." He cried "I really like you Amoi and I know we can work this out together if you'll be my due time"
Whoa whoa whoa... Back up there bro...who said anything about Adrian's behavior making me think less of you. If he could promise and fulfil his promise that he won't be ad his real father then why the hesitation about being his girlfriend? But....." I can be your girlfriend but not like this" I say. His face fell with confusion so I spoke "you'd have to go on your knees when asking" I said sarcastically

"Really now?" He said laughing

"Yah" he went down on his knees. For real boy?? I was just joking!!

"Would you do the honor of making me the happiest teenage guy alive and be my girlfriend?..just a test run to see what will be your reaction when i truly ask" he winked assuring me

I rolled my eyes "yes!!!" I said acting as if he had just proposed to me.
I still didn't tell him what Adrian did the other night. And what about Nadia?????? She is now gonna kill me.
"Um..B..I didn't fully explained to you what happened. Last night I went outside after you left and was about to go back inside when your father..."

"He is not my father."he said trying to keep calm but it was obvious that his anger was threatening to burst.

"OK..Adrian grabbed my hands. I tried to scream but he covered my mouth with his hands..." I say reliving the horrible moment "He warned me to stay away from you" I was now crying in his arms. "What did I do to him. What did I do to you?"

Amoi sat here crying in my arms. I felt so sorry for her. She never did anything to Adrian... He just thinks nobody's good for me, Alex and mom. He tried killing Jamoi year before last and now he's interfering in my first serious relationship... Or atleast that is what I want if to be.

" did nothing to us babe..shhh...don't listen to him. I'll make sure I warn him to stay away from you."
I know Adrian is a dangerous jerk and he won't listen to me but he has to listen to Alex. It was the only way he eased off of the intention of killing Jamar. It must can work to ease him off of Amoi.


Ok its not all that good but ughh I just wanted to write another part for you guys.
I don't really have much to say so byeeeee!!!!!!

One more thing...where do all my readers come from??


I write ^ (those) at every chapter for a reason!! Make me smiiileee!!!!


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