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So I know you thought this was a update but unfortunately its not.
Luckily for me I got tagged by an awesome friend  @hotstar3663   to tell 5 facts about myself.

I had to do it now because I know I'll not remember later on. I also have to tag 15 other persons.


1- I don't eat sweets.
PS not sweets like cake and ice cream. I don't eat SWEETY such as candy, lollipop, gum etc.....weird right? I also HATE vegetables but sometimes my mom forces me to eat it.

2- Im 13 but I'm going in grade 9 September. I skipped grade 2 because the teacher claimed that I 'passed the grade two level so they would just be holding me back'.
Yeah, that's right I'm a smart kid. Got my report July 26th and I came 4th with a 81.9% average. My lowest but meh.

3- I have 5 husbands. Ross Lynch, Niall Horan,Roman Reigns,Dylan O'Brien and Dean Ambrose.

4-I'm only on Whatsapp. I'm not on any other form of social media.

5- My sisters and mom call me the famous one. Their reason for this is that I frequently take pictures,take all my going-out-clothes and wear them as judging (yard) clothes instead and I always refer to myself as Mrs Marrison-Lynch-Horan-Reigns-O'Brien-Ambrose.
Two of my friends call me text-a-holic. That is self explanatory.

I tag........


My little sister skin was itching so just to cheer her up I made up a stupid song....

The baby is sick
She wants chocolate
She say her skin start itch
She wants to go to clinic

From Lusting To LovingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora