Chapter 17

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My mouth was wide open at the sight before me and the tears were threatening to spill out. Brandon was at the popular table making out with Nadia. I thought he would at least consider this. Isn't he hurt? Did he even love me in the first place? Mightbe Nadia was right all along. Mightbe if I didn't break up with him he would tell me sweet things until I gave into him then he'd throw me away. If he had really loved me he wouldn't be sticking his tongue in another girl's throat already. The one girl he knows I can't stand.

"Ditch?" Alya asked as she saw the sight. I nodded my head and joined she and Alice out the school.

We drove home in Alya's new Toyota. As we reached we went straight in the kitchen. Alice grabbed three bowls of ice cream, Alya grabbed the spoons and snacks and I went to the bathroom for tissues.

We went to my room "ready to let it out?" Alice asked and I nodded my head

"Why does he has to be an asshole? He should be crying! He should be broken like I am everyday. But instead he's happy kissing Nadia and ignoring me" what am I saying. He has a right to do what he has been doing. But it hurts. It hurts real bad " I'm gonna stop thinking about him. I'm gonna date someone else. " I wiped my tears "the bar down the street. That's where I'm going tonight. I'll know no one and I'll just chose a random guy and get Brandon off my head" I sobered up

"Uh...babe its Friday. Kids from our school go to that bar every Friday night" Alya informed

"I don't care. I'm going. You coming?"

"Well we weren't going to let our crazy ass chick of a friend go to a bar all by herself" Alice said rolling her eyes

"Ok..let's get dressed"

Family Group Chat
Me: hey..I'm going out with Alice and Alya.

Dad: long as there is no boy involved

Mom: have fun

Dad: just don't let me come searching for you

Me: ok love you guys

Mom: love you sweety

Dad: love you hun

Marli: hate you too sis

At exactly 8:30 we stepped into the bar. We went up to the counter and ordered tequilas. We were all dressed in crop tops and short jeans shorts with black and white converse.

"IDs please" said the bartender

We slowly pulled out our school IDs "we're 16" I muttered before showing him

"How about some soda" I nod my head

"Four tequilas please"I heard a baritone voice say over my head. The bartender asked for his ID and fortunately for him he was 19.
The bartender gave us our drinks then gave him his beers.

"Here" I saw him slide three tequilas over to us.

" tha"I started but was cut off by Alice.

"Thank you" she grabbed it. I swear I wanna punch her sometimes.

"Thanks" I mumbled

"No problem babe..wanna dance...I'm Odane by the wat"

"Sure..I'm Amoi" I replied. He held out his hand which I gladly took winking at the girls and getting on the dancefloor. The music turnt up and I started grinding on him as his hands went on my waist and was roaming over my legs.

The music died down a little and as another was to start we came off the dancefloor.
"Wanna go out sometime?" He asked.


"Next Friday?"

"Yeah" I placed my number and address in his phone and he kissed me on the cheeks and I left with the girls.

"I got a date!!" I squealed once we reached outside

"Omg fill me in" They both said in unison. Weird. Anyways this was one of the best nights of my life.

I went to the bar just down the street from home to clear my head a bit. I was having fun dancing with this blonde until I saw Amoi's familiar face dancing with a guy. His hands were touching parts of her body that were not supposed to be touched in public. What the hell?
Is he why she broke up with me?
I'm much more better looking than he is. That is for sure. I don't see what she sees in him. This friggin' girl! Ughh!!!
I tried my best to push up near to her to get her attention but she was to busy with dancing and laughing with that freaking guy to notice me. Ugh!!!
This girl!!


Another part today! Whoa!

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