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Chapter 39


"Hurry hurry we're going to be late" she pushed me in the bathroom

"No we'll not" I said and closed the door

Oh what a surprise this is going to be!!


I was at the prom all alone sitting outside on the tree.

I wouldn't come but it would be rude for the prom king not to show up.

Yes, of course it would be me.

I have no competition.

Everyone was dancing and having a great time, except me.

All I want is Amoi.

I need her.

I tried calling and texting her phone a couple of times but there was no response.

I signed and went back in.

A couple persons pat my back as I made my way through the crowd.

Our spirit girl- Natalie, made her way up the stage and spoke into the mike.
"Hi everyone. Thank you for coming. Are you excited to hear our prom king and Queen and Prince and princess?!"

"Yeah!!!" Some shouted while some of the Boyd whistled

"Ok ok. Our Prom Prince is..drumroll please," drumroll " Tylon Blake"

I wasn't surprised. I made that happen.

I texted everyone a few days ago to vote for Tylon.

Of course they were surprised but followed anyway.

He went up the podium and received the crown.

"Our Prom Princess..Alice Vernon. The detention girl!!" She screamed through the mic.

She made her way up as the students clapped.

She received her crown and they danced.

"Ok, we'll soon reveal our King and Queen. Enjoy yourselves" she skipped off the stage

Tylon and Alice came up to me.

"Did you do this?"

"You guys deserved it"

"Well, we have a surprise for you"

I laughed "I know I'm the King. I just want to know who'll be the Queen" I said disgusted

"You'll like her"

"I hope so" they chuckled and left me alone once more.

A few minutes later Natalie came back to announce the king and queen.
"And our King is..the one and only Brandon Walters!!" She screamed

I received a lot of cheers as u made my way up putting on my best fake smile.

She placed the crown on my head and I thanked her.

"And our Prom Queen...Amoi Chambers!!"

My mouth gaped open.

The last time I checked she wasn't on the list.

I looked down at Alice and Tylon to see then smiling and Tylon winked at me.

They planned this!

I then heard the door open to reveal my queen.

She was absolutely stunning.

She had on a long yellow dress with butterflies decorated in blue sparkles.

Her hair was in a pony tail and she had on gold heels.

She made her way up as persons cleared the way.

She received her crown and came beside me.

"What are you doing here?" I asked

"Umm..that's your first words?"

"Uh- I'm sorry just surprised, my Queen"

"Apology accepted, my King"we smiled and went into the middle of the dance floor.

I placed my hands on her waist and she placed hers on my shoulder as we danced.

"So this is the surprise?" I asked


"I honestly thought that it'd be Nadia or some freakish girl" i said and she laughed

"So, you're glad its me?"

"Im happy, ecstatic even"

Others came and joined us as the song continued.

When it ended i dragged her out.

"Where are we going?"

"Its a surprise" i stopped and looked at her "i love you"

"I love you" she smiled and we kissed.

I was really in love with this girl.

I love and lust for her.

Once i lusted for her.
Couldnt wait to taste her.

Now i love her.

I went from lusting for her to loving her.

From Lusting to Loving


There you have it people.. The End!

A huge shoutout to everyone who has been with me throughout this book.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!

I love you all so much!!!!!!!

Remember to check out my new book- My Brother's Bully!



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