Chapter 37

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Back to the story-


My weekend was spent lying in my bed with my earphones.

I didn't feel like going out with the guys this week cause it meant that Alexia and Alya would want to tag along.

Of course my Saturday was disturbed when Alexia came asking for Marli.

I was like wtf girl, you cheated on my brother in a less than two day relationship and now you want to talk to him. All apart of my plan for her not to blame or suspect anything on me.

She was then like, I didn't do anything. But then I just slammed the door in her face.

Marli wasn't there anyways, he had to go back to college.

Monday when we were at the lunch table I acted as if I was very upset at Alexia.

Well, I was, but she thought it was for s different reason.

The others were probably wondering what the heck was going on. So, I took them out of their misery.

"Y'know Alexia, I thought you and I were friends. If you just wanted a one night stand, you should have messed up someone else. You know how heart broken Marli was Friday night?" I lied straight through my teeth

"He lied to you. He told you I cheated on him but that's a lie"

"Wait a minute, you cheated on Marli?" Brandon asked

"I didn't-"she was no crying

"Yes she did" I rolled my eyes

"Lexi why are you crying?" I heard Nadia said out of no where. She actually seemed to care for this bitch "I mean- there you go! Cry cry baby. Lemme guess, is it the knocked up bitch or Alice in Wonderland made you cry?" Brandon, Alice, Tylon and I glanced at each other and smiled a little.
We'd just act as if we didn't hear the first part for now.

"Why do you care?" I asked

"Oh I don't. Bye!"

Bye!! I mimicked her sinister voice in my head.


Skips to the 1st of April.

The 4th is Adrian's case and the 5th the Family is moving away..

My mission was to make sure no one saw me at school today.
Especially Nadia, Alya and Alexia.

So, i disguised myself.

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