Chapter 7

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I cannot believe she doesn't like the Notebook. Everyone likes it. She is abnormal.
Now I'd have to wait another week to get another chance of having sex with her. She hasn't shown much sign that she doesn't give up easily so it will be better for me.
"Hey bro what's on your mind?" My bigger brother Alex asked distracting my thoughts.

"Uh..nothing. Where's mom?"

"She's sleeping. Adrian came a couple minutes before you came said he's checking up on his family and Braeden's asleep also"

"Did he touch mom?" I asked frightened. I knew he wouldn't trouble Braeden so I wasn't worried about him.
Adrian was our dad. I have no idea why mom had married such a cruel man. He left us a couple years back for 20 year old girl. Yes he cheated on my mom with someone who could be his daughter. Alex and I caught him when we went to get something for our parents anniversary and saw the shocking scene. We told mom a few days later. She confronted him about it asking for a divorce. He gladly signed the papers and left. He still kept coming at the house though. I wonder why he doesn't just avoid us.
Jamar Campbell my stepdad married mom a few years back. He is most likely at his mother's house right now taking care of her as she has a heart problem. Jamar and mom had Braeden. Mom changed me and Alex's last name from Richardson to Campbell.

"No you think I'd be this calm if he touched mom. Besides no one can come near her when I'm here."

"Whatever" I went upstairs, plopped down on my bed and dozed off to sleep.

I reached school extremely early as usual today in my blue Mercedes Benz. I went to the library- my secret hiding place- to study.
Yeah I'm a nerd. But no one needs to know that. It'll ruin my reputation. Sure I make mischief in classes after all I'm the bad boy but I get good grades. I have to strive to become something great in the future so that I can take proper care of my mom and pay back Jamar.

A few minutes before I knew that persons would start arriving I came out and put my books in the locker.

"Hey" I heard Amoi's sexy voice say behind me " have you planned where we're going Friday?" She asked

"Yup that's what I've been doing all weekend" I say


"Yeah..we never exchanged numbers. Can I have yours?" I said holding out my phone to her.

"Sure" she replied typing in her contact.

"Text ya later" I said walking off



I reached school and was heading to my locker but saw Brandon putting in some books.
Nervously I went over there.
What the hell am I doing???
"Hey" I said "have you planned where we're going Friday?" Oh my..why did I say that... He might think I'm desperate to go out with him or something!

We talked a little and exchanged numbers.
Well that didn't go too bad.

The bell rung and I headed for class. I wonder why Alice hasn't arrived yet.

"I see you haven't taken my advise seriously." Nadia came up to me with her minions "I don't want to see you around Brandon! Can't you see you're failing. I'm his girl now so stay away..bitch." She said giving me dirty looks.

Oh no you aint getting the last words this time.
"You're his girl now?.. We went on a date last Friday" her face showed extreme shock and I wanted to laugh so badly but I had a class to get to and I was not finished " and we're going on a date this Friday.. I think he's bored with you and you're way too clingy. I don't even know what he saw in you in the first place. Bye..bitch." I say walking off hurrying to my class.

I opened the classroom door "morning" I said holding down my head

"You're late Ms Chambers. One more time and you get a detention." The teacher said sternly.

I walked over to my desk and took a seat as the class continued.



" Brandon baby" I heard Nadia's whiny voice behind me. Man I hate this bitch she's lucky she's good in bed.
"That new girl Amoi said you two went on a date and is going on one more. Is it true?"

Damn her. She's like all the others. I bet she has told the whole school that I fucked her... Although...that wouldn't be such a bad thing.
"No believe that I would jump a new nerd girl so quickly?" I ask trying to put a disappointed look on ma face. 'Cause duh yes I would.
And yes she is a big time nerd. Like me. Only I keep mine a secret but she expose it. Its like she doesn't care. She'll be in the café with a big book reading.

"No baby" she said rubbing her fingers up my chest " I trust you."

"OK c'mon"


Brandon's a nerd?!!!!!
I revealed part of Brandon's past!!!

How was it??



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