Chapter 27

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My alarm woke me up at 6. I was confused at first but then I remembered that I had school.

I slowly dragged myself to the bathroom to shower and brush my teeth.

I donned an apple bottom jeans pants and a pink aeropostale blouse and went downstairs to the kitchen.

It was still early so after I ate my cereal, I chatted a little with Aunty K and Uncle John.

Like every other family member, all they did was ask me about school and said they were sorry about what happened to mom.

I heard thunder footsteps coming down the stairs and I looked up to see a fuming Damarli. "Ami, what the hell did you do to my room?"

Uh-oh busted!

I knew I should've taken up my things from last night.
"You know the environment I slept in? It was filled with girly clothes all over my bed, your movies were scattered all across the floor. I even slipped on one and fell" I chuckled slightly at that "I even saw beer bottles under my bed!" I knew I forgot to clean somewhere! "There were chips bags in my closet. The few clothes I left here was packed in a suitcase and left in one corner of the room" he sighed "y'know, I think you are glad that I left! You moved in and it hasn't been a month!"

"Sorry" what else could I say. I gave him my best puppy dog eyes and he looked like he forgave me since hr rolled his eyes and strolled into the kitchen.

"What's all the shouting for?" Dad rubbed his sleepy eyes coming in the living room. He looked at my attire "you're going to school?" I nod "you can stay y'know"

"I'm fine dad"

"You sure?"

I rolled my eyes "yes. Besides it'll be too suspicious if I don't show up" he nod understanding.  I looked at my phone "well, I better go now"

I reached school in no time waiting for the gang to show up. I hadn't picked up anyone today as everyone will start riding on their own.

A few minutes before the bell rang, they appeared one by one, Brandon flinging his arm around my neck.

"What we doing tonight?" Alexia asked excitedly

"Uh- nothing" Alice stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world "I'm not missing another day of school"

"Well I'm off to class, cya guys at lunch" I said as the bell rang

That went well!
No one seemed to know what happened and I'm glad no one did.
Well, apart from Alice, and I know I can trust her to not tell anyone.

Sighing I walked into my classroom.

We all sat at the lunch table cracking a fee jokes. I sat between Brandon and Alice, who both held my hands for two completely different reasons.

Brandon's reason was because I was his girlfriend.

Alice's reason, was to be there for me and to comfort me as she knew what I was going through.

I kept glancing at my phone in between our convo as I was texting in the family group chat with dad and Marli. They were both at the hospital. The only news was that mom was barely showing recovery signs.
We were all devastated.

I was afraid.
Afraid of losing my dad.
Afraid of probably losing my father.
Afraid of being alone, not having a mother to help me, especially through my teenage years.
Afraid of-

"Well,well,well Nadia came up to our table. Guess who it is." She came right behind me.

"Leave Nadia" Brandon's grip tightened on my hand

"Oh,baby, you want this. I'm telling you, you do NOT want me to leave. You actually want me to come" she held her hand on her heart "excuse the pun" she chuckled "but seriously you do. Tell me Brandy Wandy ," where have I heard that name? "Has Amoi here ever given you what I have given you? And I'm not talking about love, has she ever given you the punnanaay?" Wtf!

"You gave me no love, and it's not your business if I had sex with her or not!" Brandon said firmly.
Idiot! He basically just tell her that I havent , in Nadia's words, 'given him the punnany' .

Where is that even coming from.
How does she even know that?

"Oh well, enjoy your lunch" she took one of Brandon's fries, stuffing it in her mouth and walked off in her skimpy outfit.

It was all awkward at the table after that.

Everyone ate their lunch in silence.
And since my appetite was destroyed, I went back to texting the fam.

"You're heading to the hospital now?" Alice asked as we headed over to my car
I nod. "Well, I have to get home so I'll see you tomorrow. Text me if you hear anything ok?" I nod opening my car door.

In minutes I was at the hospital and in the waiting room.
"Her healing has progressed in the last few hours" dad informed stroking my hair as I lay in his lap

"That's good" I sighed. At least there was still hope "so does she need a heart transplant or anything ?"

"Nope" I let out another breath of relief

Just then my phone buzzed.
It was a message from Brandon.

I'm slightly terrified, my mom, Alex and I were called to the police station. I'm on my way right now.
Wishing you were here to comfort me.

Should I tell him?

Nope, he'll find out soon enough.

I didn't reply, I let my phone stag in my lap as I listened to the comforting words of my father.

About an hour passed and my phone buzzed again.

Does this really have something to do with your family?

Do you think Brandon's gonna be pissed off at Amoi for not telling him?
Do you think he'll be calm about it.

Dedicated to @AsiaFantasia1D for the awesome book cover!



From Lusting To LovingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora