Season 2- Part 10: Farewell Romeo

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A/N: Setting all the words now free~ I can be the Juliet of a tragedy~ Don't let me, go take me from this story~ It's just what I was thinking~

(y/n) = Your Name

(l/n) = Last Name

(e/c) = Eye Color

(h/c) = Hair Color

——— Reader POV———

" (y/n) give it a break. You're not competing until this weekend." Jennifer sighed eating her lunch on a rock outside with Angel and Fiona.

" I'm going against my boyfriend.... he's really good with a bow... and after the last two games this game matters or our school will fail. When I leave college I wanna have a good job. I have been a strange child my whole life and I'm going to get my dream job!"

" Aren't you pushing yourself a little far?" Angel whispered as if she was a ghost that did not even exist in this world.

" Shadow is a master when it comes to the bow and arrow." I released my finger off the string letting the arrow soar through the air. Missed.

" (y/n) you have yet to hit the target once." Fiona rolled her eyes tiredly at you.

" Hey (y/n) what do you mean by... dream job?" Jennifer questioned finishing her lunch.

" Well... it's a long story..." You whispered putting your bow down.

" We have time."

" Well....okay."


Back then... before I was born my parents had a small shop they both ran, a bakery. The reason they fell in love was because of the shop. They both in high school got a summer job there, love at first sight.

When the shop's owner retired they both wanted to take over the small shop. Soon after years of dating they got married. And after years after marriage I popped onto the world. They were happy, but the cliche sadness had to come in.

When I turned two they had to shut down the shop. The shop was not making enough money to support the three of us so they had to get better jobs. Getting the jobs is what ruined the relationship. My dad had trouble getting a job and it angered my mom that he got lazier and lazier to the point where he stopped trying to get a job at all.

He started drinking going out to bars with his friends making my mom do all the work. Closing the shop destroyed everything. It was like their bond and they just lost it. My mom had enough with it so she divorced him.


" So you're going to open up a bakery? That's pretty cool." Angel commented.

" Not just any bakery. I want it to be known everywhere. I wanna make treats that are out of this world." You sighed dreamingly. " I wanna win this game if we do... bonus points...."

" He may be your boyfriend but this is Shadow we are talking about. He Will Not Go Easy On you. There are things he wants to achieve...." Salem who was disguised as Alex walked in.

" Ouch. Going against your boyfriend who will give it his all is tuff..." Fiona mumbled putting her two cents in.

" You know... maybe Alex could help (y/n). Our school will really need the help if a girl who can't hit her target...." Jennifer suggested.

" Guys I wanna win this without cheating." You sighed picking your bow up and drawn the arrow.

" Your issue is you're not pulling back enough." Salem sighed stepping behind you, putting his hand over both of yours. Blushing moment. " The key is lining your eye with the arrow and the arrow with your target." Salem smiled down at you. " Now release."

He stepped away from you and put his hands in his pocket. Taking a deep breath you released the arrow, letting it fly. It was not a bullseye but it did hit closer to the middle then before.

" Keep practicing (y/n). You will get it soon." He smiled walking away. This is surely the new and improved Salem then the one you first met.

" How did you let such a dreamy boy down?" Fiona dazy watching the brown haired boy walk away.

" He's hotter when he's blonde...." You mumbled drawing an arrow.

" What?"

" N-nothing!" You panicked releasing the arrow straight into the air. Hope it doesn't hit anyone.


" Shadow can we not do the lovey dovy right now? This is not the reason why I brought you over..." You glared at the black haired man who was in the process of kissing your neck.

" O-oh yeah... right. Why did you bring me over?" Shadow blushed crawling off your bed and took a seat next to it. (God Shadow, take it a little easy. Put pinocchio's nose back in your pants!)

" Well... tomorrow we will be competing. Um..."

" Yeah... and I was wondering... maybe go a little easy on m-"

" (y/n) I'm not going easy on you. I wanna be the champion of my school, get a good job so my dad will not be disappointed when he returns home from work. I'm done being seen as a disappoint to him. " He mumbled, a frown leaked onto his face.

" B-but I need to win this so I can finally open a bakery for my mom, bring back her happy memories when she was still happy with dad. Maybe I can finally bring my family back tog-"

" I. Don't. Care. I love you (y/n), okay? But I never thought we would get into this situation. When I heard from some guys your school sucked at these games I thought I was a guaranteed w-"

" Get out of my dorm." You cut him off glaring at him.

" Wait what?!"

" If you think you can insult my school and get away with it you're wrong. Get. Out."

" Why do you get so mad over the stupidest things-"

" WHY ARE YOU SUCH A...a ...a... a FUCKING ASS! The fact I'm still dating you is fucking stupid! You lied to me and now you're insulting my school?!?!? You're like a shadow of the night. Nothing but scary and evil. You're a Lying Shadow! I'm now the monster of this fairy tale Romeo! (you're not the monster. I am) NOW GET OUT."


The next day... the day of the last game.






And you once said, "I wish you dead, you sinner."

I'll never be more than a wolf at your door for dinner.

And if I see you 'round like a ghost in my town, you liar,

I'll leave with your head. Oh, I'll leave you for dead, sire.

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