Chapter Two: The Request

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Mimi spotted Kotaro. She waved back at Kotaro. "Hi, Kotaro!" she greeted him back. He hadn't been so close to Mimi like this before. He felt a bit anxious, unable to say anything to her. Looking at Mimi, she looked like she was awaiting for Kotaro to say something back to him. "Um, Kotaro? Is there something bothering you?"

Kotaro shook his head. "No, of course not! I just wanted to greeted you!" he lied, feeling nervous. He head to his first classroom, feeling uncomfortable talking to Mimi. Kotaro awaited for Mr. Willcocks to come in class, hoping Mr. Willcocks would come in and yell at him. He frowned in disappointment. "Now, Mimi would never like me...." he whimpered. He was disappointed in himself for not having a nice conversation with Mimi.

Noel and Kotaro could feel the ground shaking like an earthquake was happening. They already knew who that was. That loud stomps became much louder than before. Mr. Willcocks came right into the classroom, ready to yell at Kotaro as usual. "KOTARO!? You're not late! That's very good!?"

The school bell rang, and the class was starting. Kotaro and Noel paid attention to Mr. Willcocks's teachings, but Kotaro felt so eager for class to end. He couldn't wait until class ended. He wondered how Maya and the others were doing in Densetsu.

On the other side of Densetsu, Maya swept the floor once again. As always, Melissa visited Maya's shrine. Melissa always greeted Maya, and Maya always requested for donations for her shrine. Though, Melissa made an excuse as usual. Maya actually believed the excuse as usual.

Maya and Melissa began having a conversation, having nothing to do for the day. "By the way, where's your boyfriend?" Maya asked. "by boyfriend, I mean Alex Kendall. The summoner who can't fight on his own!"

Melissa growled, feeling insulted. "Alex is not MY boyfriend!? Plus, he can fight on his own!" Melissa argued. Maya chuckled, knowing she angered her own friend, Melissa. "H-hey!? It's not funny! Alex isn't my boyfriend!?"

"I was just kidding with you! I usually see you with him all the time, so I was curious where he is now," Maya joked. Melissa remained silent. Maya became worried about the silence in Melissa. Judging by the looks of Melissa's silent face, Maya sensed something seem bad. "Melissa, what happened? Something seems to be troubling you."

"Alex has gone missing," Melissa answered. Maya assumed Alex gone off somewhere else, but she wasn't sure since she hadn't talk to Alex as much as Melissa does. "Alex usually never leaves his house unless I come to visit. So which only means he's either killed by someone powerful than him or he's-,"

"Kidnapped by someone...." Maya interrupted. Melissa nodded her head, having the same thoughts as Maya. Melissa wondered who would kidnap Alex. The two were both suspicious about Alex's disappearance.

"Kidnapped? What are you girls talking about? I'm right here!" a voice said. Melissa recognized the voice. She turned around. Her eyes dilated to see Alex in front of her. "I was helping a little girl finding her parents through the forest. After that, I've decided I should take a visit to the shrine because that's where Melissa always goes almost daily."

Maya and Melissa nodded their heads, understanding about Alex's suspicious disappearance. Maya immediately scold Melissa, whacking her broom on Melissa's head. "You big liar! You said he always stays inside of his house!"

Melissa covered her head. Her face almost looked like she was about to cry for a moment. Alex sighed roughly, expecting something like this would happened.

Suddenly, Alex felt a sensation coming from the skies. What was that, he thought. He looked up at the sky, seeing a undefined flying object. The flying object kept coming towards the shrine. Alex was later able to catch a clearer view of the flying object. It was nothing more but a bird as it came flying down to the shrine. What's a bird doing here, Alex thought to himself.

A Beautiful Day |Books#1-4| Unedited VersionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang