Chapter 21

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We Know

Third Person POV

The boys jumped down and walked in the hallways. They listened carefully if there were someone walking the hallways, but it was quiet.

"This is..kind of suspicious.." Said Makoto.

"No way. I'm pretty sure it was loud for a second." Said Ryuu in a sarcastic tone.

"Shut up..Shall we go back and notify Shinoa and the others?" Said Makoto.

"No need. They're probably thinking the same thing. It's too quiet. It's suspicious that no one is around." Said Kohaku.

"Let's just go and check on them." Said Makoto.

"We can't go back. Shinoa will punish us." Said Ryuu.

They entered a hallway with doors. They can't help be check if someone is in the rooms. Kohaku opened the door and it was pitch black. Without hesitation, Kohaku walked in, but was stopped by his brothers.

"What?" Said Kohaku.

"Are you stupid or not thinking?" Said Ryuu.

"He's probably both." Said Makoto.

"What's the problem?" Said Kohaku.

"The problem is that you don't see this string that's in front of your face?" Said Makoto.

Kohaku looked to see and there was a string. He scratched the back of his head.

"So..what do you think it does?" Said Kohaku.

Ryuu and Makoto were searching for an object to throw at the string. The saw a table and a vase on top. They took the vase and threw it. It triggered and the floor fell.

"Oh..that..seems promising.." Said Kohaku.

"Really? Try it out for yourself." Said Ryuu as he pushed Kohaku gently.

Kohaku jumped back and punched Ryuu on the shoulder.

"Let's go to the other rooms." Said Makoto.

"It's probably the same. Their going to be a trap." Said Kohaku.

Makoto and Ryuu didn't pay attention to what Kohaku said and checked the rooms. Kohaku mostly opened the doors and triggered them. They were on the last room and Kohaku opened the door, but stopped.

"I think Ryuu should go and trigger the trap." Said Kohaku.

"Alright.." Said Ryuu.

Kohaku had a devil smil on his face as Ryuu walked in. Nothing happened to him. Kohaku's face was frozen that nothing happened to Ryuu and everything happened to him.

"Kohaku. You should stay guard outside. We stood guard outside so it's your turn." Said Makoto.

"....Are you serious?.. All this time..." Said Kohaku.

"It's called using your eyes." Said Ryuu.

Kohaku mumbled bad things about Ryuu and stood outside the hallway. The room was filled with dusty chests, cabinets, boxes, and drawers. They looked through every thing and Makoto found a book. He check to see if it was a journal, but it was filled with pictures. There was pictures of a beautiful couple. After flipping through, Makoto was shocked.

"Ryuu.. Check this out." Said Makoto.

Ryuu makes his way to Makoto and looks. It was a picture of the beautiful couple and two girls.

"Damn..she's beautiful." Said Ryuu.

"Yes. I see it too, but look at these two girls. Don't you think they're familiar?" Said Makoto.

"That's Shinoa and Kurumi." Said Kohaku.

"Kohaku! Go back and stand guard." Said Ryuu as he pinched Kohaku's cheeks.

"It really does resemble them." Said Makoto.

"Does this mean that Shinoa is a pure blood?" Said Kohaku.

"Probably. We won't know if we ask right?" Said Ryuu.

"We'll probably get beat then she'll confess." Said Makoto.

Makoto took the picture and put it in his pocket. Kohaku wasn't standing outside, but he wanted to look to find something which he did. He was shocked.

"Kohaku! Didn't we tell you to stand guard?" Said Makoto.

Kohaku didn't answer and Makoto and Ryuu went to him. They were curious what he was looking at and they were shocked.

"This is..the girls' things." Said Makoto.

It was their clothes which had blood on them, their transformation necklaces, and their phones. There was a note on the bottom of the box. It was stained with blood which made it look like chocolate. They opened it and it was Momoko's handwriting.

This is Blossom, Buttercup, and Bubbles. Whoever finds this, please contact the mayor.

We're hiding and being chased by vampires. They know our scents and we flew around the town just to make them confused. We can't hide in buildings since they seem to be attacking people in them. We can't get any medical supplies to help our wound.

We might faint due to loss blood. We might get captured by the vampires and be killed. We pray to God that we're going to live.

We love everyone..especially the people who are important to us. We hope our idiots can find us..from this mess.. We want to say goodbye properly. This is Blossom, Buttercup, and Miyako.

After they read it, they wanted to cry. They wished they found them sooner, but they had a redo. They took their transformation necklaces and wore them. They wanted to see if they can transform, but nothing happened. They walked out of the room and walked the hallways.

"So..Kurumi was the one to kidnapped them.." Said Makoto.

"She could've made them into vampires and erased their memories." Said Kohaku.

"I don't know about the memories part. Can pure bloods erase memories? There might be a chance that they knocked their heads." Said Ryuu.

"Who knows." Said Kohaku.

They walked around the corner and saw a vampire ran. They followed him and turned the corner. As they turned the corner, there was spikes and they fell in. They struggle to get out of it which they did then lied on the ground. They heard a girls' scream which the boys probably thought it was the girls. They were right.

The girls ran to them and cried.

"Why? Why didn't you *sniff* see that coming?" Said Momoko.

"Just get a medical supplies..we'll be alright.." Said Makoto.

"No! You aren't! These spikes are the same material as the weapons. You can't heal properly." Said Kaoru.

" did you guys heal?" Said Ryuu.

"It takes a few days. We have it but it's far away from here." Said Miyako.

The boys touched te girls' faces and they cried even more. They took off the necklaces and kept it in their hands.

"Give me your hands." Said Kohaku.

"Just...treasure it.." Said Makoto.

"Like when this mess didn't happen." Said Ryuu.

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