Chapter 20

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I Knew, But You Had To..

Kohaku's POV

"One sided love? That can pass. If mutual, you know what'll happen." Said Shinoa.

Oh. That was convenient. We went back to see if the two armies need help. Some died and others were still fighting.


We were home and treated our injuries. We sighed and looked at eachother.


"The two armies? They were too easy." Said Ryuu.

"No I meant what Shinoa said about the relationship."

"Yeah. That is something." Said Makoto.

"We didn't say yes right away. We just promise."

"Right. I hope we can just attack the purebloods right away instead of waiting, get injuries, heal, attack, and repeat. Get this war over with."

"We're planning it tonight." Said Shinoa.

"Shinoa?! When did you start snooping around?" Said Ryuu.

"Right when Kohaku said about attacking the pure bloods right away." Said Shinoa.

"So..Tonight we'll attack." Said Makoto.

"Sneak in and attack. 11:30. It sounds like a good time to attack." Said Shinoa.

"We'll prepare ourselves."

Shinoa left and we sighed. I thought she heard us about confessing. Looks like we have time to think.

Momoko's POV

"Ow, ow, ow! That hurts!"

"Hey. Don't blame me. It was your call." Said Kaoru.

"What was her call?" Said Kurumi.

"Kurumi?!" Said Miyako.

"Don't pop up at of nowhere. We might accidentally attack you."

"I heard Momoko crying in pain so I wanted to see what was the big deal. What did you plan, Momoko?" Said Kurumi.

"Because of the injuries we recieved...I told the girls to attack aggressively.. It looked like they have been training.."

"...Tch.." as Kurumi clicked her tongue.

"What's the matter?" Said Kaoru.

"...It's nothing. Get those injuries healed up because I got a feeling we'll get a visit from them.." Said Kurumi.

"Alright. We'll stay on guard." Said Miyako.

Kurumi slammed the door behind we and we were confused why she was angry.

"Goodness..I thought I was going to lose my head when she asked me that question."

"She said that they'll pay us a" Said Kaoru.

"Yes. I think it'll be different..this time." Said Miyako.

Kurumi's POV

I walked down the hallway, stomping my feet loudly, and punched a wall. Shinoa..she trained her dogs. I can't lose. She's coming after me to end all of this. A servant asked me if I was okay when I'm in my angry mood. I punched the servant across the hallway and I fell to my knees. My hand hurts from that. The wound that Shinoa gave me.

"Kurumi is angry." Said Steil.


"Yes?" Said Steil.

"I heard from Shinoa that you were her student."

"Ah..Back in the day, yes. She promised me that she'll keep teaching me if I beat her, but that never happened." Said Steil.

"Did...those 3 vamps got stronger?"

"Ah. Yes they did, but their team coordination was poor. They keep arguing and I was able to hit a few on them when arguing. Is something the matter?" Said Steil.

"Yes..I believe she'll be coming here to end this."

"Impossible. She would always have to heal when she gets injured." Said Steil.

"That's why. She knows when the time is right...I thought I could win against my sister.. I thought she would reunite with me."

"I'm sorry Kurumi. I did train you, but it seems like this is nothing to her. It's only the two of us and the girls." Said Steil.

"Only if those pure bloods didn't have to die to Shinoa's dogs then we wouldn't be at a disadvantage.."

"It's fine. I have a plan which Shinoa has alway fall for." Said Steil.

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you when I'm done." Said Steil.


Shinoa's POV

We were already at Kurumi's base and we're in. I split the brothers to a different direction and I had Kris, Mari, and Raku with me. It would be better if I went alone, but Kris kept begging me for them to come along. There wasn't anyone in the hallways. It was empty. It was suspicious.

We jumped down and walked around. As we turned the corner, we saw a vamp and she ran away. Kris was going to go after her, but I stopped him.

"What are you doing? She'll notify Kurumi." Said Kris.

"It's suspicious that we manage to spot one. "

"It is." Said Mari.

"She knows that we're here. It's pretty obvious." Said Raku.

"So what? We'll just follow her vamp?" Said Kris.

"Exactly, but let's do a jog. Make your footsteps heavy so it seems like we're running."

We jogged and as we turned the corner, there was spikes. It filled half the hallway and at the end was Kurumi and Steil. I often fall in these kinds of traps and the only person who knows is Steil.

"Steil. You'd think I'll fall in this pit?"

"Pretty much. It seems like you saw through this." Said Steil.

"Also Kurumi. Try to pretend that you don't know that we're coming. Leave your servants in the hallways."

"How about you tell that in front of my face? You can't because these spikes are in the way." Said Kurumi.

"Oh..This is so silly. I'm obviously going to jump it."

I bend my knees and was preparing to jump, but I was going to fake it. As I said that I was going to jump it, it's obvious. I jumped, but I jumped to the wall and punched it which made the ceiling collapse. Spikes came from the walls from where I punched and it didn't hit me.

"You can do better."

Kurumi was silent. There was a small hole and we jumped through it. Kurumi and Steil were up here with us and stared at each other.

"Pick someone from your dogs. 2:2. Let's fight fair." Said Kurumi.

"Dogs?!" Shouted Raku.

"I'll go." Said Kris.

"Let's hurry up and finish this."

As we were going to fight, we heard a girl screamed and Kurumi sighed.

"..Those girls must've activated the trap on themselves..How stupid they are.." Said Kurumi.

We started to fight. I won't back down until I have Kurumi beg or dead.

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