Chapter 8

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Miyako's Pov

Me and the girls were sitting on the bed in my room with angry faces. We were sitting in a peace and we were doing nothing, but kept on looking at each other.

"What do you think they are doing?",said Momoko.

"They are probably at home doing nothing or they are doing something stupid.",said Karou.

"Or they are finishing their projects.."

The girls looked at me and nodded.

"..Probably..anyways, lets us go back to our topic on the boys.",said Momoko.

"Yeah...Ryuu was scary when he smashed the wall and had that angry expression."

"It is all Karou's fault!",said Momoko.

"My fault?!? I didn't even do anything wrong there!",said Karou.

"You were too sexy so of course he would do that to you and piss off Ryuu.",said Momoko.

"And I thought that Miyako was the angelic girl...",said Karou.

"Enough with the arguement! Are we going to ask the boys about their powers or not?"

I yelled at them which made them shocked and they know that I don't often yell at them or to anyone except the boys. They agreed and Momoko text the boys to meet us at the park. In a few minutes later, the boys came and their hair styles changed. Makoto was wearing a bobby pins, Kohaku had his hair tucked in behind his right ear, and Ryuu had his hair tied back. Karou and Momoko started laughing at them then I srarted to laugh as well.

"What's so funny?",said Makoto.

"..Hahah..when did you start tucking in your hair Kohaku?",said Momoko.

"Even you Ryuu! When did you start tying your hair?",said Karou.

I didn't say anything mean to Makoto because I didn't want to make him fell bad.

"I like your hair today."

"Thanks, Miyako.",said Makoto.

He kissed me one the forehead and held my hand as we watched the four of them. Makoto went to their brothers and I went ti the girls.

"Because we have jobs.",said Ryuu.

Karou and Momoko stopped laughing then started at them.

"Are you shot in the head or something?",said Momoko.

"Don't lie to us.",said Karou.

"How did they even accept you guys is the real answer?"

They looked at me as if I did something wrong until Karou patted me in the back. She gave me thumbs up and wiped her fake tear from her left eye.

"They liked us because we have good smiles, attractive, and we are in high school.",said Kohaku.

"Well, I have to say that all of them are true so..",said Momoko.

"Yep. Anyways, why did you call us?",said Ryuu.

We looked at each other and Karou spoke for us.

"We want to know about your...vampire powers..",said Karou.

The boys looked at each other and looked at us.

"First, let us finish our jobs and we can take somewhere.",said Makoto.

The boys turned around to go back, but I cling onto Makoto as well the girls did the same.

"What are you girls doing?",said Ryuu.

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