Chapter 14

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Pure Bloods

Shinoa sent 5 groups into the perimeter of our aide and check if any vamps are lurking. My brothers, Raku, Kris and I were sent to the east and get intel.

"'s boring sitting up here where the sun is tanning me." Said Raku.

"Hey.. Why aren't your eyes' red? They didn't change?" Asked Kris.

" does. When we're angry, hungry or it just changes by itself." Said Makoto.

"Cool." Said Kris.

"How did you turn into rogues anyway? Did like a random vamp bite you from behind?" Said Raku.

"Uh..we were in the city, kidnapped outside of a market then met Shinoa. She turned us into vamps." Said Kohaku.

"Shinoa..did that.." Said Kris.

"Yeah? Why? Did you two get bitten by a random vamp?" Asked Makoto.

"Kris was born a rogue vamp while I was bitten by one." Said Raku.

"Ah.. She said something about death or life on a piece of paper."

"Gah.. I can't believe what I'm hearing.." Said Kris.

"Kris has a crush on Shinoa and Shinoa was the one to turn you into one not him." Said Raku.

"Sorry. We were human at that time." Said Kohaku.

"Also did you know that Shinoa is half." Said Raku.


"Half pure blood and half rogue." Said Raku.

"Father is a pure blood and mother is a rogue?" Said Kohaku.

"Yes..are you stalking her?" Said Raku.

"No..I just happened to know it from a certain someone who reads a certain thing." Said Kohaku.

"She didn't like her father and she was bullied by other adult pure bloods." Said Raku.

"That's why she stayed with the rogue vampires." Said Makoto.

"Yes so technically you're... Half, I guess." Said Raku.


"Oi, Kris. Why so quiet?" Said Raku.

"Sorry. I was..staring at the sky.." Said Kris.

"Haha..whatever." Said Raku.

"So..when are they going to be here?" Said Kohaku.

??: "You mean me?"

We turned around to see a ranked vampire behind us. We got up quickly and waited for his attack.

"The name is Yuuji. A noble vampire. May I ask for yours?" Said Yuuji.

"Raku. Rogue." Said Raku.

"Kris. Rogue." Said Kris.

"Makoto. Rogue." Said Makoto.

"Kohaku. Rogue." Said Kohaku.

"Ryuu. Rogue."

"All rogues..huh. What are you waiting here for? Ambush?" Said Yuuji.

"What do you think?"

"Hm.. Plans. That's obviously it." Said Yuuji.

"Maybe it is or isn't." Said Kohaku.

"I can tell you-" said Yuuji but got cut off by Raku's attack.

We attacked and Yuuji kept dodging also he did the same to us. Until I manage to get a cut on his arm.

"Eh~.. Not bad Ryuu-san, but I can tell you a riddle where we'll attack. "One where the road will lead can also be underneath." Said Yuuji.

PPGZxRRBZ Love StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora