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3rd person POV-

Meilin and Rollan walk around Greenhaven Castle, hand in hand. They hear whistles all around them, but ignore it. "What do you want to do?" Meilin asks Rollan.

"No clue," he says, watching Essix flying high in the sky.

"Maybe we can train," Meilin suggests.

"We did that last time we had a date," Rollan says.

"It wasn't technically a date," Meilin tells him. He laughs.

"Let's pull pranks," Rollan suggests.

"How?" Meilin asks, raising her eyebrow.

"Easy!" he says. "We just set it up and then pull it on someone."

Meilin laughs at his childness. "Let's do it," she says. He fist bumps the air. He grabs her hand and leads her inside.

"Who should we do it on first?" he whispers to Meilin.

"Conor," she says. Rollan nods.

"What should we do?" he asks her.

"I don't know! You're the one who wanted to do this!" Meilin hisses.

"Uh, um, we could um, OOH! We could put a paper sign on his back and Abeke's back saying that they are taken by each other," he says, excitement on his face.

Meilin laughs and nods. She runs and grabs some paper and a pencil. On Abeke's she writes: Taken by Conor. And on Conor's, she writes: Taken by Abeke. Rollan grabs Conor's and races off to his room. He knocks on the door and Conor opens it up. "Rollan?" Conor asks. "What are you doing?"

"Just wanted to hang out with my best bud!" Rollan says way too excitedly.

"Really?" Conor asks.

"Yeah," Rollan says and walks inside Conor's room. "How's Abeke?"

"She's great," he answers, confused.

"That's awesome!" Rollan says and pats his back, attaching the paper to his back. "Well, I gotta run!"

"Bye?" Conor says unsurely. Rollan sprints out of Conor's room a laughing mess. He runs to where Meilin said to meet each other.

"Did you do it?" Meilin asks Rollan when she gets there.

"Oh yeah," Rollan says. "He didn't even suspect a thing."

"Neither did Abeke," she says. "Now, we just have to get them together and around people."

Rollan nods. He goes back to Conor's room and opens the door. "Who is it? Oh its you, Rollan," Conor says. "What do you need?"

"You need to come with me," Rollan says and drags him out of his room. He drags him to the cafeteria. Meilin does the same with Abeke.

"Do you know what they are doing?" Conor asks Abeke.

"Not a clue," he says and they hear whistles in the cafeteria.

"Didn't know you two were together," a woman says to Abeke and Conor.

"About time," another person says. Abeke and Conor look at each other.

"What is happening?" Abeke asks.

"Nothing," Rollan says, stifiling a laugh. Meilin tries to keep her giggling quiet but laughs so loud that everyone turns to look her way.

"Why are you two laughing?" Conor asks us.

"Its really nothing," Meilin says. Conor notices something on the back of Abeke's shirt.

"Turn around," Conor says to Abeke. Abeke does as he says and turns around. Conor takes the piece of paper off her back. He reads it and turns a dark shade of red.

"What is it?" Abeke asks.

"There was a note on the back. It says 'Taken by Conor.' I bet I have one on my back too," Conor says, turning even redder. He turns around and Abeke grabs it.

"It says the same thing except that your taken by me," Abeke says. "Who did that?"

"No one," Rollan says. Abeke glares at him.

"I know you did that," she says.

"I didn't do it alone," Rollan says. "Meilin helped me."

They glare at Rollan and Meilin. "We did a pretty good job," Rollan says and high fives Meilin. He has a sudden impulse to kiss Meilin and he does so. Everyone in the cafeteria says aw. They break away and both blush.

So, Flamingomo how did you like it? I can redo it if you want me too.

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