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This is a super sad one! Be prepared for your feels to be broken!

Maxon's POV-

The rain pitter-patters on the window as I watch America read a book. "America, could you come here for a moment?" I ask her.

She nods. I wrap my arm around her waist and she looks outside. Her eyes light up as she drags me away from the library. "What are you doing, my dear?" I ask her even though I have a guess what it is.

"Oh nothing," she says with a mischievous smile.

She drags me out into the gardens and she starts splashing in the rain puddles. "That's what Eadlyn and Ahren would do," I tell her with a smile.

We left Eadlyn and Ahren with Marlee and Carter for the day. "And its what I would do too," she says.

I laugh and she joins with me. "You are full of surprises," I say.

"Yes I am," she says as she laces her fingers through mine.

"Would you care to dance?" I ask her, remembering that we did the same thing on the roof a few years ago.

"As a matter of fact, I would," she says.

We start dancing to the beat of the rain. As we dance, we stare into each others eyes. "Did you know that I love you?" I whisper.

"I do. And I love you even more than you do," she says.

I reach my head down and kiss her.
"My dear, sit down. You are pregnant. You do not need to be doing work," I tell a very pregnant America.

"But Maxon, I can do work," she whines.

"But America, you shouldn't," I tell her. "Come and sit down."

America sits down on our shared bed and fixes a little spot on it. "I am capable of doing work even though I'm pregnant," she says.

"I realize this but I don't want you to get hurt," I say while rubbing a hand over her stomach. "And I don't our baby to get hurt."

"Mommy! Daddy! Where are you?" I hear little Eadlyn yell.

I sigh as I get up and open the door. "Yes, honey?" I say.

"I had a nightmare," she says and starts to cry.

I grab her little hand and bring her to sit in between America and I. "What was the nightmare about?" America asks her gently.

"Well, Mommy was dead and Daddy was shot and he was bleeding out on the floor. Ahren and I were surrounded by men with guns. As soon as one shot at us, I woke up," she says with a shiver.

"Oh Eadlyn, nothing like that is going to happen," I assure her.

"I know but I don't want my Mommy and Daddy to get hurt," she says while a few tears are sliding down her cheeks.

I wipe off the tears and say, "Do you want to get Ahren and sleep with us tonight?"

"Yes," she says and runs off to get her twin brother.

"You finally learn how to deal with women crying," America jokes.

"I had a lot of experience with you," I say.

We both laugh at that. A little knock tells us that Ahren and Eadlyn are there. I walk over and open the door. Ahren still looks like he's asleep so I pick him up and set him next to America on the bed. Eadlyn walks over there and lays right next to her brother. I turn off the lights and slip into bed with them. I kiss each of their heads. My family is safe.
"Is everything going to be alright with her?" I ask them while tears threaten to leave.

"I don't know," the doctor says.

"What do you mean you don't know?" I ask anger rising.

"We will have to wait and see what happens," he says.

I walk away from him and to where America is laying in a hospital bed. She had a heart attack. The tears start flowing as I think about all the good times we had together. Soon Aspen walks in and walks slowly over to me. After him, Marlee comes with May, Kaden, and Lady Brice. I cling to Aspen as Eadlyn walks in. "I can't lose her. I don't know...I don't know..." I start to say.

Aspen grabbed me by the shoulders and says, "Don't think about that know. We need to believe she'll be fine. And you need to think about your children."

I nod. "Daddy?" I hear Eadlyn say.

I turn toward her and opens my arms. She bolts to me while squeezing me. She cries into my shoulder and says, "What happened?"

"I don't know, honey. I think the shock of Ahren leaving was too much. Heart problems run in her family, and she's been so anxious lately." I say. "I should have made her rest more. I should have asked her for less. She did everything for me."

Aspen grabs onto my arm and says, "You know how stubborn she is," he says kindly. "Do you think for one second she'd have let you slow her down?"

I smile and so does Aspen. "OK, so now we wait."

Aspen let go of me. "I need to go home and tell Lucy and get fresh clothes. I'll call her mom if you haven't already."

I sighed. "I didn't even think about that."

"I got it. And I'll be back within an hour. Whatever you need, I'm here."

I let go of Eadlyn and embrace Aspen. "Thank you."

I walk over and kiss America's forehead.
"We are here today for Queen America Schreave's funeral," the pastor snaps me out of my memories.

I am sitting on my throne with my kids on smaller ones and the throne right next to mine is empty I can hardly keep my tears in. I notice Eadlyn is crying into Ahren's shoulder. What am I going to do without America? How am I going to live the rest of my life knowing that my kids are not going to have a mother for the rest of their lives? The tears start rolling down my cheeks as I think these thoughts. "Queen America was in The Selection," the pastor starts to say but I space out.

"Now King Maxon will speak," I hear the pastor say.

I stand up and walk over to the poduim. "Queen America was one of the best people I knew. She was stubborn but she fought for what she thought was right," I say. "She was a wonderful mother," I start crying even harder.

"She was one of the best queens this country has ever had," I finish the speech.

I walk back to my throne and sit down. Loving her was the best thing in my life. I know that my heart won't heal but I will have to be the light in my children's life like she was.

I just decided to write this one because I haven't written a maxerica and I wanted to break your guys feels. I hope you guys like it! Oh and I will write a happy one for maxerica to bring your feels back.

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