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Mako's POV-

I am at Air Temple Island waiting to see Korra. I am just walking around and I see a flash of blue. "Korra, I saw you!" I yell at her.

"Why don't you come and find me!" She yells back.

I follow her voice and see her sitting at a table for four. I sit down and ask her,"Why is the table set for four?"

"It is set for four because I invited someone special," she tells me.

"Well, who is it?"

"Just wait and see."

I wait for a few minutes and see an elderly woman coming toward us. "Hey, Katara! Thanks for coming!" Korra tells her as she sits down.

"No problem," says the woman names Katara.

"This is Katara, Tenzin's mom, Avatar Aang's wife," Korra tells me.

"Nice to meet you," I tell her.

"What a lovely young man. Nice to meet you, too," Katara says gently.

"The whole reason I planned this date was that Mako and I could learn of the best love story ever made. The reason I set the table for four was so you, Katara, could feel like you were on a date with Avatar Aang," Korra tells both of us.

"Do you want me to tell you how I met Aang and what happened after I met him?" Katara asks Korra.

"Yes. Then Mako and I could really know how we feel for each other," Korra says while looking at me.

"OK. It all started when Sokka, my brother, and I were on a boat, hunting for fish at the Southern Water Tribe. Of course Sokka had to crash the boat and we ended up in the middle of nowhere with just ice and water surrounding us. I got so mad at him because he said a girl always ruins stuff and I broke a huge block of ice. The block of ice was actually the iceberg that was holding Aang down in the water. The iceberg that had Aang in it rose up and I grabbed Sokka's club and hit the iceberg. After I hit the iceberg, Aang was in the Avatar State but soon got out of it and fell. I caught him just before he hit the ground. That is when I first saw him. We had many adventures together. On one adventure, we had to kiss to find a way out. That is when I started liking him. After a while, we recruited Toph. Aang and I kissed a few more times, but the last kiss we had before dating was the best. This is our love story. I will love Aang until I die and I can see him again and love him even more," Katara tells us.

"Wow. Just wow," Korra says shocked.

"Now you guys need to figure out what you mean to each other," Katara says and leaves us alone.

"You know what, Korra? I love you. I will love you forever and ever," I tell her.

"Mako, I love you too. I will love you forever as well," she reveals.

I reach over and grab her hand. We sit here and just stare at each other, lovingly, for the rest of the day.

So, Atla12, how do you like it? I can redo it if you want me too.

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