Nico and Reader

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Nico's POV-

"Hey, Ash, ready for our date?" I ask her.

"Um, it's not a date. It's just two friends doing something together. And anyways, you're dating Reyna," Ash says.

"Did I hear Nico say he's going on a date with Ash?" I hear Travis say.

"Why, yes brother, you did. Let's go tell Reyna!" Connor says.

"Connor! Travis!" I yell and start chasing them.

I follow them to the arena. "Reyna! Where are you?" Travis yells.

The brothers find Reyna and they walked over to her. "Reyna, we think Nico is cheating on you," Connor says.

"I don't believe you," she says.

"He said her was going on a date with Ash," Travis says.

"Is that true, Nico?" Reyna asks me.

"Do you really think I would cheat on you? It's just two friends doing something together," I tell her with a grin.

"OK. See, he's not cheating on me," Reyna says.

"Oh, well-" Connor begins to say something but Reyna interrupts him.

"You two need to quit getting into people's business," she tells them.

"But we can't," Connor says.

"Oh but you should," Ash says right behind me.

"You know we can't," Travis says and sprints off with Connor following.

"Oh, the Stolls, always in other peoples business," I say.

"They are," Ash says.

Reyna walks up to me and slaps me. "What was that for?" I say.

"That was for not telling me about your 'date' with Ash. She told me yesterday," she says.

"Oh. Oops," I say, grinning sheepishly.

"Go have fun on your 'date'," Reyna says smiling.

"Thanks," I say.

Ash and I walk to the forest where a secret treehouse is at. I let her climb up first and then I go up. "Come on, I have something to show you!" I hear someone say.

Ash and I stick our heads out of the window and see Leo and Calypso. I feel Ash ball her hands into fists. "Hey, Ash, it's alright," I say while looking at her.

"How? How is it OK? He left me for someone else!" she says with tears in her eyes.

"He never deserved you, Ash. You don't need him. And if he ever breaks your heart again, I will kill him," I say fiercely.

"Thanks, Neeks," she says.

"No problem," I say.

"I can tell you love her," Ash says.

That caught me by surprise. "Who?" I ask her.

"You are so clueless. I can tell you love Reyna," Ash says while smiling.

"Yeah, I do," I say.

"I can tell she loves you too," she says.

"Are you secretly Aphrodite's daughter?" I ask her teasingly.

"Nope. The one and only Athena claimed me," she tells me.

I chuckle. "You are one of a kind, Ash," I say.

"I know I am," she says.

"You know, you kind of remind me of Bianca," I tell her. "She used to call me Neeks."

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