Jiper, Percabeth, Caleo, Frazel

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Annabeth's POV-

Percy and I are walking around Camp Half-Blood when we see a piece of paper flying toward us. I snatch it out of the air and read what it says aloud to Percy. "Come to the beach at dusk."

"Sounds cool. You wanna go to the beach tonight?" Percy asks me.

"Sure," I tell him.

Jason's POV-

Piper and I are in my cabin, talking. "I didn't know Reyna and Nico were a couple. Did you?" I ask Piper.

"Of course I knew. Reyna is one of my best friends," she tells me.

"Wow. I guess I don't pay much attention," I say.

"No you don't, Sparky," she says.

I notice a piece of paper floating near us. I get up and grab it. "Go to the beach at dusk," I read aloud.

"We are definitely going," she says.

Hazel's POV-

I watch Franck put another arrow in his bow and shoot it to the target. He made another bulls-eye. "Good job Frank!" I tell him.

"Thanks," he says with a sweet smile.

I see a piece of paper stuck to the target. "Don't shoot Frank!" I tell him as I run to grab it.

"Go to the beach at dusk," I read it aloud.

"We should go to it," Frank says.

Leo's POV-

Calypso and I are sword practicing together. Of course I am doing well. "I'm gonna win!" I tell her.

"No you are not," she says.

Just as I am about to strike, I see a piece of paper floating. I run over and grab it. "Go to the beach at dusk," I read it aloud.

"We are going to that," Calypso says.

**************************Time skip to dusk****************************************************

Annabeth's POV-

Percy and I are waiting at the beach when we see Jason and Piper. "What are you guys doing here?" I ask them.

"We got a note to come here. What are you guys doing here?" Piper asks us.

"We got a note as well," I say.

I look at Percy and Jason. I hear Percy say,"How are you bro?"

I shake my head and laugh. "I see they have started a bromance," I tell Piper.

"Yeah, they did," she says.

I look around and see Hazel, Frank, Leo, and Calypso coming our way. "Did you guys get a note as well?" I ask them.

They nod their heads. "Welcome ladies and gentlemen! We asked all of you guys to come here to watch a movie! Go sit and enjoy!" I hear someone say.

We all head to where we are supposed to sit. I am in between Percy and Piper. "I wonder what movie we are watching," I tell Piper.

"Me too," she says.

A projector lights up a screen and the words The Notebook pop up. "We are watching The Notebook, the saddest movie ever made," Piper tells me.

****************************Time skip to the end of the movie************************************

I have tears streaming down my face as we watch the credits. "Percy, that was so sad!" I tell him.

"I know. Come here," he says as he wraps his arms around me.

I see Jason do the same to Piper. "You were right Piper. It was the saddest movie ever made," I tell her.

"Yeah," she says.

"So how did you like the movie?" The person says.

"I wonder who that is. Lets go looking around," I tell Piper quietly.

Her and I get up and look around. We look behind a sand dune and see Reyna and Nico. "It was you two who made this?" Piper asks them.

"Yes it was," Reyna says.

"Thank you so much!" Piper says.

"No problem," Reyna says with a smile.

So, Atla12, how did you like it? I can redo it if you want me too.

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