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Conor's POV-

I walk to the cafeteria. People give me weird looks as I walk by. "Rollan, why are people staring at me?" I ask Rollan.

He smirks and says, "I don't know."

"Yes you do!" I say.

"Nope," Rollan says and walks away.

I sigh and try to find Abeke. When I find her, I ask her, "Why are people looking at me funny?"

"I don't know. People are looking at me funny too," she says.

"That's so weird. I asked Rollan about it and he says that he doesn't know," I tell her.

"I asked Meilin and she said the same answer," she says.

I shake my head and turn around. Abeke says, "Stop. There's something on your back."

Abeke pulls something off my back and I turn around. I look at it and see that it is a note that was taped to my back. It says, Abeke's. I walk behind Abeke and see the same note, but it says my name instead. I rip it off and show her. "No wonder people were giving us weird looks," I say.

She laughs. "Who put these on our backs though?" she asks me.

One special someone comes into mind.
"Did you put it on his back?" Abeke whispers to me as we meet at our hiding spot.

I nod. "Did you put it on her back?" I ask her.

She nods. "Good. Now let's wait," I tell her.

We walk out into the cafeteria and see some Greencloaks giving Rollan some really weird stares. "What is it?" he asks them.

They shake their head and walk away. Rollan walks up to us and says, "Why are people staring at me?"

"I don't know," I tell him, trying really hard to suppress a grin.

"You do know," he says.

I shake my head. "Abeke, what is it?" he asks her.

"I don't have a clue," she says.

"Rollan, are people giving you weird looks too?" I hear Meilin ask.

She comes up behind Abeke and I. Rollan nods. "Weird," she says.

I start laughing and Abeke joins me. I bend over laughing. Meilin turns around and Rollan gasps. "Meilin, there's something on your back," he says.

He rips it off and reads it aloud, "'Rollan's girlfriend'."

I smirk. Meilin rips off the sign on Rollan's back. "Got a little taste of your own game," I tell them.

"We never put those signs on your guys' backs," Meilin says.

"Yeah sure," I say.

"We didn't," Rollan says.

Abeke and I look at each other. "Then who did?" I ask.

"We don't know," Meilin says.

Suddenly Briggan howls and Uraza purrs. "They did it? Who wrote it?" Abeke asks.

We never found out because our Spirit Animals ran away from us all day.

So, InsaneLucia how did you like it? I can redo it if you want me too.

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