Chapter Nine - Josh's Smile

Start from the beginning

I found myself smiling down at her small figure, she was blushing like no one's business.

She was so small compared to me, fair enough I am really big for my age, but she was like...tiny. She just fit there in my arms so well, I was stunned and couldn't bring myself to move.

What the freaking hell is going on with this girl? Huh?

First I almost kiss her, and think I wanted to, then I hold her and don't wanna let go.

I think I've eaten something off lately. That's probably it. I'm just a little sick and it's getting to my head...and my heart...and my peni-

The bell rang suddenly, breaking the strangely comfortable silence shared between us and forcing reality to come crashing back down on me.


What was I doing here?!

I quickly let go of Rosie, giving her a gentle push while at the same time stepping back so that we weren't so close.

This is getting out of hand, I really need to stop touching her. Maybe it's her perfume and I'm allergic to it or something fucked up like that...

Hell I don't even know.

She shook her head slightly, blinking rapidly before she picked up her school bag from the ground and walked back towards the school doors, now late for registration.

She didn't even look back at me.

And why did that bother me?

Jesus Christ, I need to hook up...NOW.

I took one last glance at Rosie's retreating figure as the school doors closed behind her and I realised I was the only one standing out here in the parking lot.


Okay, this is fine.

I jogged through the doors, looking from left to right in search of a whore.

Our school's full of whores, this should be easy.

Not seeing any in the immediate directions, I took a left and then a right, and then a left, before spotting one who must have been late for class.

She gave me a flirtatious smile, as all the girls do, and her eyes widened as I slammed her against the nearest wall.

Okay, maybe this is a little much, but I need to shake that weird feeling I got from touching Rosie.

And that's how I ended up in the janitors closet with my jeans by my knees, and some whore who's name I have NO IDEA on the receiving end of my thrusts, when we should have been in first period maths.

Yeah, you can say it; I'm a dick.

Rosie's P.O.V

Where was Josh?

I mean I don't mean to sound clingy or anything, but he is definitely in school today, so why isn't he in maths?

The clock ticked round and round from the wall at the front of the classroom, my eyes fixed firmly on the wooden door to my right, but not once did it open.

Was he just skipping or what?

Why in god's name do I even care?!

Jeez Rosie, get a grip!

The bell rang, signalling break time, so I fled from the room in haste to find Josh.

I wasn't going to make it obvious or anything, I was merely curious.

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