Briony looked at the man, she started to laugh as she watched the man hold onto his bottom. Daryl had shot an arrow in his arse.

Screeching tires caught Briony's attention and she focused once more. A man jumped out of the car and grabbed Glenn, causing him to drop the bag of guns.

Briony raced ahead, grabbing the bag before any of the other fuckers could get to it. One man tried to grab hold of her, she turned around and kicked him in the balls. He groaned, holding his balls and stumbling around.

Briony threw the guns towards Daryl's direction, as she watched the men get into the car with Glenn, kidnapping him.

Both, Daryl and Briony, raced towards the car but they sped off before they could get to the car doors.

"Come back here, you sumbitches." Daryl shouted. Briony, pulled her brother back into the alleyway and close the wire door as the walkers came towards them. They started to bang onto the wired door. Trying to get in.

They both backed up, the thought of the Russian boy suddenly rushed back to Briony. She turned her attention towards him, just as he tried to get up. Noticing as well, Daryl pushed him back down to the ground again.

Briony heard thudding, looked up and watched as Rick and T-Dog raced to the scene. They neared the three of them, as Daryl continued to kick the boy who was laid on the floor.

Rick dragged Daryl away from the boy. "Woah, woah, woah." He spoke trying to calm down the situation.

"I'll kick your nuts up in your throat!" Daryl shouted at the boy, Rick continued to drag Daryl, standing him next to Briony. While T-Dog had a hold of the boy. Briony looked at Daryl with raised eyebrows, then back at the boy with a glare.

"Let me go!" The boy shouted, Briony chuckled at the boy, she didn't shed one bit of sorrow for the boy. He brought it on himself.

T-Dog raised his eyebrows at the boy. "Chill out!"

While T-Dog held onto the boy, Rick held onto Daryl. He was also, kicking up a fuss. Briony watched in satisfaction as the situation started to unravel in front of her.

"They took Glenn. That little bastard and his little bastard homie friends. I'm gonna stomp your arse!" Daryl shouted, pointing his finger and glaring.

"Guys, guys! We're cut off." T-Dog pointed out, realizing that our lives were more important at this stage. As walkers were slowly getting through the gate.

"Get to the lab, go!" Rick ordered, picking up the bag of guns. T-Dog led the way while the others followed behind.

↠ ↠ ↠ ↠

"Those men you were with, we need to know where they went." Rick told the Russian boy who was sat down on a chair. The small group were all sat in a small, barely lit room, while the boy was interrogated.

"I ain't telling you nothing." The boy replied, he looked Rick straight in the eyes. His confidence seemed to rise once they were inside.

"Jesus, man, what the hell happened back there?" T-Dog asked, looking at Daryl with confusion spread all over his face.

Daryl paced across the room. "I told you, this little turd and his douche bag friends came out of no where and jumped me."

"You're the one who jumped me, Puto, screaming about trying to find his brother like its my fault." The boy had grown some balls.

"You were spying on us!" Briony shouted in the boys face, defending her brother.

"They took Glenn. Could've taken Merle too." Daryl added.
"Merle? What kind of hick name is that?" I wouldn't name my dog Merle." Daryl lunged at the boy, lifting his leg to kick the boy.

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