Chapter 30: "Did You Know The Kids Were Secretly In A Boy Band?"

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Katy Perry with her rainbow hair as Celeste Alder

I slipped on Elizabeth's slightly heeled shoes and over her frilly socks. I helped her down and then we both walked over to the mirror to get a last look. 

"What do you think, sweetie?" 

"I look like a princess and you look like a queen, mommy." 

"A nice queen or a bad one?" I asked. 

"The fairy-est of them all" I smiled at her attempt to say fairest. 

"Well you," I picked her up and sat her on the counter, "look like a fairy tale. Ready for today?" I asked her. 

She nodded, "I have you and daddy, yeth." Then she leaned in and whispered in my ear, "and daddy gave me sprinkles to carry in a jar." She pulled out a little tube of chocolate sprinkles out of the rabbit, it had a secret pouch to carry stuff in it's back. 

"Daddy did did he?" I smiled, "Well, we'll save that for dinner." I told her. 

"Okay mommy. So are you ready to get conorlated?" 

I laughed, "coronated, sweetie and yeah, I am. We've been waiting for this day." I smiled. I fixed her hair and looked at the time. "It's time, one last look before we go?" I asked her she nodded and I set her down. 

"I love you mommy." I looked down at her. "What?" 

"I love you no matter what you look like." She said fingering the light pattern on my gown. "You're a great mommy. You'll do great." 

I bent down to her level. "I love you too, so much Elizabeth. From the minute I saw you, I knew you were my beautiful baby girl." I kissed her forehead and she wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug. 

"Don't cry mommy," she whispered then gasped, "you'll ruin your makeup!"  I laughed through the tears. "Come on my angel. Let's go." I got a hold of her hand and we walked out of the bedroom and down the steps of the castle. 

(Madison's dress) her red hair was loose in wavy curls

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(Madison's dress) her red hair was loose in wavy curls. 


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